DCC - Electrical

Bernd's picture

BlueRail Trains - Smartphone Controlled Trains

Any seen this yet or heard of it?


Lousy resolution U-tube video by Bachmann.



jhn_plsn's picture

Digitrax ground/common Loconet Length?

Does the length of the DCC common/ground and 

Bachmann dcc turnouts

I have a Bachmann starter set equipped with the Dynamis controller and a dcc turnout. I cannot get this turnout to respond or program in the accessory position. I have decided that these things are not worth the effort and I will go with remote and manual turnouts. Does anyone have any success with dcc turnouts?

Hobbez's picture

Kato SD40-2 pickup problems

This spring, I purchased a pair of Kato SD40-2 CP snoot locos.  I installed tsunami sound decoders in them both and put them into service on my layout.  After only a few weeks, (really only about 2 hours of run time) one of them simply stopped working while moving along the main.  So, I ended up putting them both out of service and they took a place in the stack of projects that need attention.  This week, they made it to the top of the stack and I have been tinkering on them.  The one that was running when put away was giving me fits, but a reset of the d

JLandT Railroad's picture

Tortoise Install as slow as the name suggests...

So tonight we progress onto the passing siding Tortoise installs, and as the name suggests the pace is just as slow...

And the only thing making the night bearable is a healthy dose of the best of Van Halen.  This is almost as painful as wiring, Groundhog Day anyone?

rickwade's picture

Tam Valley Shuttle Info - for Rich S and others

In my other post about using the Tam Valley Shuttle on my Richlawn RR Rich S had asked: "Does the doodlebug stop inside the gapped area?" and I told him I would take some pictures to show the results.  To see the original thread, go here:  http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/node/20899

Here are the pictures:

DCC - Multiple controllers

Over the past 5 years or so I was never concerned much with DCC. I always have run straight DC?  My main interest was in building my Moose Lake & Eagle Pass RR layout. I bought motive power because I liked a particular locomotive. As a result, now that I want to use DCC, I have a mix of manufacturers(Broadway Limited, Bachmann, Atlas, etc.). How can I run them all when each has its own controller. I have bought each manufacturers controller.

Rob_C's picture

Getting ready to take the plunge...

Hi there,

I have a large garage layout that I'm going to be rebuilding for signaling and block detection. Possibly eventually some automated running.

I currently have a Prodigy Advance 2 and about 8 (mostly) wireless cabs representing a fairly big investment. JMRI seems to work fine with it, running trains with wifi and all. There are no signals or blocks on the current layout to test any of the other features of panel pro.

Conisting with speed tables set.

I have one engine with an MRC decoder a second engine with a Digitrax decoder. I have set up the speed tables to the point that both engines are running within 1 mph. However when I put them in a consist, the MRC still responds the same the Digitrax just sits there until I get to step 8 then it moves but very slow. Any ideas what I can look at?

Mono Frog Juicer Dimensions

Can anyone give me the dimensions of a Mono Frog Juicer.  This is not shown in their ad.  Thank you in advance.

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