DCC - Electrical

TCS T1 or D13SRJ ???

I'm finally jumping into DCC. 

So, T1 or D13SRJ?

I need at the very least head light and mars light ability (I model D&RGW), so can the second function (reverse light) of the T1 mimic mars lights? The D13SRJ's can, but the TCS site isn't very informative.

Or is the advantage of auto BEMF on the T1's worth the lack of functions (assuming I'm aiming for the basic decoder here)?


direct dcc

here -if any interest- is a you-tube-film from us with the tamvalleydepot-receiver.

i hope one can understand my "english" from germany.                     christoph

url = https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=3-Q268w5k9I

MRC PC Interface and Windows 8... What Am I Missing Here?

Hi All,


So I recently purchased a new computer with Windows 8 and I wanted to use my MRC wireless PC interface with it, which worked well on my Windows 7. I Installed the drivers for the interface and the MRC program. I made sure that my computer recognized the interface. However, the program did not recognize the interface, giving an error message tat no USB connection is found. Does anyone out there know how to alleviate this? Thanks.

RR Challenger sound decoder

Hi all,

I have a Rivarossi 4-6-6-4 locomotive and I'd like to add a sound decoder to it.

A friend is offering ma an ESU Loksound V.4 decoder at a good price, and he could also load the sound file for me, but on the ESU website they only have the Big Boy sound file, not the specific one for the Challenger.

Are the BigBoy sounds so much different than the ones of a Challenger?

jmt99atsf's picture

ATSF Paradigm Division - Staging Level Construction Update 1

Latest update on the construction of the N-scale ATSF Paradigm Division (see my previous April 2014 blog item to see the track plans). UPDATED with new pictures and video on 17 April and 27 April.

The physical construction of the staging level, that is, supporting benchwork, roadbed (I use it even in staging yards) and track were completed on 16 December 2013.  

Bernd's picture

R/C Plus Battery Power

I think we need another category in the 'Post Category" of "R/C-B Electrical" since it looks like this is getting popular.

Here's an almost plug-n-play R/C Battery powered system from Australia. I always ask myself why is it always over seas  companies that produce things like this? http://www.rcs-rc.com/


Temporary Wire management

While I'm wiring under my layout I want to keep everything neat and organized. When I'm done I use cable ties, but while it is a work in progress I still want things kept kind of together.

SPROG 3 odd behavior

I just got a SPROG  3, and was excited to get it up and running.  However, I had some problems reading a decoder.  Usually came up Mfr 255 version 255, sometimes it would come up with other values.  Tried a different engine -- that I knew was already programmed -- same thing.

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