Layout maintenance
A place to store the huge liftout... on the BNML (Video)
That crazy huge liftout between "our space" and "her space" now
has a place to go between sessions.
For background information and construction details see my original post.
My Product Reviews (UPDATE: Rapido ultimate Canadian gondola coming soon)
This is the thread for my product reviews.
Here are the coming items as of 12/1
- item (coming sometime next week CLARIFIED: WAITING TO ARRIVE (and permission to show it )
- Soundtraxx Souncar (also sometime next week CLARIFIED: WAITING TO ARRIVE)
-RS Laser Kits (working out the details)
Item Values?
Here are some various items from my Grandpas Dads collection. Any ideas what any of it is worth? More info is by each image/set of images.
UTLX Prints:
Metal date plates.
What is this??
I found this one in one of my used train cars, it is definitely aftermarket but I can't tell what it is?p
Slot max
We have reached slot max a couple of times at our club. We know how to fix it when it happens, but how do you prevent it? We have read several ways to dispatch your throttle. This one makes most sense to me, you have reached the end of the session, so (you hold down the disp button and plug your throttle in, then let go of the disp button) is that correct?
Ideas for small switching layout? (Decided on design I think)
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I am looking for ideas that I could use for a small 2'x5' switching layout. I have that much space in my room and am trying to plan as much as possible to pitch the idea to my parents.
The switches available are:
Layout Animation Ideas?
The teacher in charge of model railroad club has an abundance of basic DC motors simillar to the image shown. Does anyone have some ideas on uses for them in relation to railroads? I know there are many creative people here so I thought I would ask.
Progress on the Kingsbury Branch
Since the better half had to work Wednesday and I had the day off, I decided it would be a great idea to spend most of the day in the train room getting jobs done.
1) Finished installing all the hand throws and fine tuning the turnouts
2) Finished tacking down all the track that had been temporaily laid down to check for use
3) Got some more snipe signs and installed fascia around the layout
4) Installed another Digitrax Universal panel
5) Weighted some more cars until I ran out of pennies
Making your own insulated railjoiners?
Does anyone know what I could use to insulate railjoiners? I can't purchase anythig so a DIY method would work.
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