
Layout Update 28 - Equipment Galore and An Important Announcement
Update Description:
Help needed in Crafton, PA area.
Need help setting up my train layout in our church hall...Crafton Pa for month of December...I'm handicapped and rely on a scooter to get around...thank you...
Middle School Model Railroad: Scale Speed
Yesterday I asked students to first estimate, then calculate, the speed in miles per hour that this train was traveling with respect to the HO scale figure walking along the tracks (this "scene" runs along the whiteboard on the north wall of the classroom):
Jeff Allen

Suggested pixels/inch for custom decals?
Does anyone have a recommended pixels per inch count for doing custom decals? I'm currently set at 2500 px/inch. Haven't printed yet, and want to know if I'm way over-shooting it with that number or not.
For further reference, current plan is for HO scale decals. I'd take any other suggestions that come to mind as well. Not necessarily planning to print them myself.
Chuck G.
Gapping hand laid turnout frogs
I have recently completed track work on my small (2'× 9') switching layout. All track is hand laid and I used fast tracks jigs for the turnouts. My question is this, do I really need to gap both sides of the frog? On of the things that always drew me in with hand laid turnouts was the point rails flowing all the way to the frogs. I just think it looks better that way. Is there a real world practical reason to gap the point rails before the frog?
New Workshop Ideas & Suggestions wanted
So my wife and I recently purchased a new home, and with this new house comes a new opportunity to redo a work bench for modeling. I model in large scale (1/29) so things take up a bunch of space, so I want to make this new work bench useful.
What are some must haves that I'm missing? I do a lot of scratch building and Kit bashing.
Here's what I can think of.
1. Outlets. The more the better. I'm thinking of adding a dedicated 30 amp fuse just for workshop stuff.
2. Room to place power tools (mini table as, drill press etc).
3 paint storage racks
Middle School Model Railroad: first op session of the school year
Things have been moving along smartly and we’ve got enough sections up and operational to run a switch job in the town of Park.
Deconstructing a Layout
The UR&N going down. Have a similar photo? Post’em!
Hey Lionel, I found a dime!
Neil Erickson, Hawai’i
Proto:48 - Why does it mean more than accurate trackwork and wheels?
I appreciated the recent article on super detailing a freight car.
But why has Proto:48 been associated with the super detailing of equipment?
Was it not meant to focus on accurate prototypical trackwork and wheel appearance?
Was the association of Proto:48 to super detailed equipment the original intention?
Does Proto:87 have the same association?
The freight car could have easily had standard wheels and still would have been a great looking model.

Will MRH be at Trainfest in the Milwaukee area on Nov. 10 and 11? I can not locate you on the Trainfest floor plan.
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