New sights on the MRH forum!
Hi Joe,
It’s early in the morning so I may have missed one. A couple of new items showed up on the forum this morning. Who is on line was one. Neat! The second was “Mark as spam” in a post. I wasn’t sure what that button was meant to do. Could you elaborate please? Are there some more menu buttons above too?

Kits, and craftsman, and pre-modern modeling.
I love kits... (I love sets, but, not talking sets this time)
"Pre-1960s modeling"... craftsman kits... Silver Streak, and Walthers kits... B.T.S cars, and the like... things that aren't RTR (nothing wrong with RTR, I love them too, but that's not what this is about)
So tell me. What are some of your favorite non-RTR kits for engines, cars, and rolling stock?
Please, include photos if you can!

DCC question about reverse loop
Hello Fellow Modelers!!
I am currently redesigning my layout, and would like to incorporate a reversed loop ( tear drop shaped)
will this short out my DCC electronics?? it seems that the it would because the outside track would become the inside track at the turn out..

Amherst Railroad Show
OK, Other than Joe and some/all of the MRH Staff, who's planning on being at the West Springfield Show? I'll be there helping Friday afternoon and Sunday after the show closes, and wandering around on Saturday and Sunday. I hope to see some of you there.
MRH NOTE: Corrected the misspelling of Amherst.

who am I
Retired embedded firmware engineer (EE) from Bell Labs and Qualcomm. Developed real-time code for data terminals, speakerphones, CDMA phones, echo-cancellers, voice-recognition, optical communication, optical amplifiers, Linux ethernet driver and OFDM multi-band radio control.
Guitar, biking, RC sailplanes and FAA glider license.

BSME Final run
The Baltimore Society of Model Engineers have made arrangements for a final run of the club's two 12x65 foot layouts this Sunday 1/20/2019 1 to 5 pm.
Some Digital Magazines have disadvantages
Let me begin by saying I am most assuredly NOT talking about MRH! I have no issues at all with the magazine, the distribution method, reading options, nor Trainmasters TV. I enjoy all aspects of all of the above. I have been a subscriber to MRH from the git-go, and have also been a print & digital subscriber to RMC and MR for many years. As you may know, MR (digital) is distributed through Zinio, a large electronic media distribution outfit. You can either read the mags online, or download them to your computer and read them there.

Trainz Bi-weekly livestream
The stream will be starting shortly, hope to see you there!!!!
Phishing Fraud ALERT Springfield Show Accommodations
- Modeling general discussion
- Modeling topic
- Prototype information
- Layout design
- Layout tour
- Benchwork - Roadbed
- Trackwork
- DC - Electrical
- DCC - Electrical
- Locos - Rolling stock (general)
- Steam locos
- Diesel locos
- Scenery - Structures
- Operations
- Layout maintenance
- Tools, tips and tricks
- Community
- Photo inspiration
- Personal journal (editorial or commentary)
- Hobby event
URGENT! Someone is calling, saying they are from Comfort Inns and they are having computer problems with the reservation system for the 26 the and 27th. To keep your reservation they need you to give them your credit card number for verification. HANG UP!
Follow the Amhurst Sponsor logo go to Accommodations get the hotel number and call them. They are aware of the phishing. They will give you the police number to report the call. They will not ask for your CC number. If you gave out CC number call your card provider.
Shenware Software (MiTrains and Waybills)
Hi everyone. I recently perused the Trainmaster TV video on Ops using car cards and waybills and placed an order for Shenware Software's MiTrains and Waybills. I have not heard anything from them and was wondering if anyone else has placed an order with these folks. Thanks
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