
What happened to Vector Cut?
Anybody know?, They used to be at .
Just a blank page came up with Firefox, using Google a GoDaddy page came up with:
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you everyone for being here and making this lone wolf feel part of a larger community of like-minded individuals.
Thank you for being polite when my occasional rants are so opinionated that a contrary POV seems pointless.
Thank you for differing point of view and posting your modeling, your techniques, and your inspiring works.
Thank you for the friends made here and hope that we may meet in person one day.
What to do with old track
I picked up at least 200 old ho tracks and switches at a garage sale. It looks pretty dirty and I’d like to clean it up. I know about isopropyl alcohol and q-tips. I don’t see any rust but they look like they’ve been used and then stuffed into a container. I’m new to model trains. I’m really enjoying the fact that we found my father in law’s old 0 gage post war Lionel set with track, switches and cars. I also had a full set of HO trains and track as well as a large assortment of N gage track, cars and switches. Any thoughts

Recommended airbrush how-to video for beginners?
Hi All:
I'm looking for a link to a good and thorough how-to video for using an airbrush. This would be a soup-to-nuts, set-up; use; clean-up video.
Shameless self-promotion is encouraged.
Thanks! I'm using an Iwata-Medea Eclipse HP CS Dual-Action Gravity Feed (below).
Middle school model railroad: Irons in the fire
Based on the material posted in this blog I put together a slideshow/talk and have had the pleasure and the privilege to share it at model railroad conferences and conventions over the past 14 months.
I know there are a lot of club layouts out and about. In the summer I happen to be in New England where my house is. In the winter I like to get in the motor home and head south to “no shovelin’ “ country. I’ve heard Rob from Texas say he wants me to see a long coal train run and I’ll bet the gentleman from Jackson, Mississippi might let me in to see his club layout too. I’ll bet there are other club layouts that would welcome a stranger (model railfan) needing a model railroad fix.

Model-sized train that isn't a scale model and used to really haul stuff?
I bought an LGB starter set in Europe when I was 18, and slowly collected a lot of G scale US stuff with the long term goal of building a layout. That never came to pass due to lack of the needed space or money (as everything in G scale seems to cost a fortune) and I sold it all several years ago.

Coal Loads
A short post about making cheap and easy coal loads.

Weekly Photo Fun 11/13/2017 - 11/19/2017
Once again it's that time of the week us what you have.
And here we are live from Arlington Station, Arlington, VT!!!
Any minute the RDFA will pass through here on its way to Bennington, VT................
oops, video hasn't been invented yet?!!???
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