
Blue Christmas
I know I'm showing my age, but where have all the catalogs gone? This time of year we could hardly wait to run down to J&J Trains to see the latest display for Christmas and pick up all the free catalogs that were available. Lionel, Gilbert, and even a few HO Scale ones from manufacturers. (Sorry, N Scalers, but you haven't been invented yet.)
Model Railroad Clinicing is Fun!
This past weekend I had the pleasure of giving my first clinic, at the Quinte Train Show in Belleville, ON. That's a pretty big deal in and of itself, but what made it even more special was that the clinic was among several that were recorded for by Barry Silverthorn and his crew.

Have you ever been mocked when you mention your hobby
A while back I have mentioned that I'm a model railroader. The response I got surprised me. "what? You play with toy trains? " The disparaging remarks went on from there. Needless to say that I no longer acquaint myself with that person. After all the effort, time,and money I have spent on my hobby, to hear words such as that hurts.
Middle school model RR: risers, shortcuts and responsibility
One way that I try to deal with problems is to consider how they resemble other problems that have already been solved, then model or adapt those solutions. To me, a huge portion of what we experience as creativity lies in how we are able to see those resemblances.

Christmas Display
For those in the Harrisburg area, tomorrow is the opening weekend for the Keystone Model Railroad Club's traveling display at Ft. Hunter. Come and enjoy the fun of trains for kids of all ages. The schedule and that for the club open house is here:

New Product Coming - Congrats to Draw Winners!
Middle school model RR: can lid scrap loads
Bill Brillinger’s post illustrating his list-driven car card system reminded me that one of my key objectives for the model railroad we’re building in my math classroom is to provide a visceral understanding of the circumstances that generate traffic on a transportation system.
One example is a problem that I pose for calculating car orders for empty gondolas to carry away scrap metal as a function of how many cars of sheet metal coils are delivered to a tin can fabricating facility.
RIP Ed Reutling
I read that Ed Reutling passed away yesterday. Those that knew him know what we have lost. For those that didn't know him Ed was a prolific modeler and scratch builder and a willing teacher to anyone who asked for his assistance. Ed was scratch building O scale models to get what he wanted in the days before Atlas O and the other RTR stuff. If Ed wanted something he'd spend a few days cutting, gluing, painting, etc. then post a photo of the finished product. If anyone else wanted one Ed would mold up some copies and send them to you for a few bucks.
No Idea What I Have
So I inherited this train set from a friend and a lot of it looks really old and some even with original boxes that look like they're from the 70's or earlier. I laid it all out and uploaded a video of it here. Can anyone tell me if this is something wirth anything or just old junk, etc?;
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