
Another random rambling
Well I haven't made a long new post in awhile so I thought I would start off with saying you can literally come up with some weird stuff in your dreams. I was this model show with my friend and he wanted to model train wreck scene so I told him he should use arduino or something of the sort to get the flashing light effect in cars (it was a passenger wreck). I have kept that "in storage in my mind for awhile just because I felt I could use it somewhere and wanted to post it on here.
How to discontinue and find a home for husband's "N" gauge layout
My husband passed away last year and has quite an extensive layout. Where and how do I start to find a new home for it? Are there places that would take it as a donation?
Hey Guys!
Hey Guys! My name is Caleb, i'm from Central Indiana. I currently don't have a layout but am collecting for my future model railroad, Indy Rail.

Odd thing I hope to never see again
I was in Osh Kosh Wisconsin a block away from the tracks right by where it crossed the old swing bridge (now replaced with a lift bridge) and had a train sitting there for hours because the bridge broke down.

Airbrush Help
Does anybody have a cehap recommended airbrush for custom painting I want to try some custom painting but failed with a brush.

Looking for help with a local school club
I am looking for people in the Lomabrd Illinois area (could be companies hobbyshops volunteers etc.) that could help sponsor and build a layout for a model railroad club that may begin next school year I have not gone to the principal about it but last year he said it could be possible if I can find a teacher to do it. If you can help please put it in the comments or PM thanks.
Middle school model RR: laying track
Although one of my over-arching modeling goals is to replicate some of the operational constraints of the prototype (like manually operated switchstands) I am going to compromise in the near term in order to achieve some “plywood pacific” operations before the end of this school year.

My First Trainz set game
Another game from Auran much like Trainz simulator except you are now in a house.

Add ons for Trainz and MSTS
the auran add on website (search winter hill quarry for one of my own designs)
Other random ones
Some are foreign sorry
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