New iPad issue.
One of two things has happened on my iPad Mini. When I hit the return key instead of going to a new line the cursor is jumping to the beginning of the current paragraph. Now either this is a new feature of iOS 8 or some change of features on the new servers. I hear iOS 8.2 will be released quickly to fix some issues. Is anybody else experiencing this problem?
Middle school model RR: a sawtooth learning curve
Since my regular math classes have their hands (and minds) pretty full right now with homework and new classroom routines, I got the model railroad project back under way last week during a once-a-week elective called Applied Math. We only had an hour, and most of the students in the elective were not among those who worked on the project last year, but they were very eager to contribute nonetheless.
Start a Free-Mo N or Ntrak Group in the NYC Metro region
Hello fellow N-scalers,
I would like to reach out to N-scalers in the greater NY metropolitan area. NY City, Westchester and Long Island to see if there is interest in forming a modular group using either the N-Trak or Free-Mo N standards. Please suggest the best method for contacting you.
Middle school model RR: a new year
Since Labor Day the month of September has been jammed with activity as the new school year gets underway. Until last Wednesday, none of that activity involved the model railroad.
Another new technology called 3D Doodler
Here is another new technology taking the art scene by storm. Now to just figure out a use for it in model railroading. See what you think.
There are a lot of videos about this on YouTube. It is currently available at Michael's stores.
Kendall from Blue Caboose
Has anyone talked to Kendall from Blue Caboose within the past few months? I have not heard back from him via email since mid-June and want to make sure he is doing ok health-wise. Thanks.

SMA11 – Build a MicroScene and Extend Your Hobby to Others
I am often asked by family and friends, “What are you working on?” Explaining the joy and intricacies of model railroading and my personal interest in animation sometimes does not quite capture everything I would like to convey. But I happened to come upon a far more effective means of accomplishing this in short order, by building small “MicroScenes” which I use as gifts to introduce people to my work and the model railroading hobby. I cannot begin to tell you the impact this has had! It is simply overwhelming. Read on.
New member
Just a short entry to introduce myself. I have a N scale small model railroad. I like modern present day rolling stock, loco sand scenery. I am limited to a 4 x 8 layout due to lack of room. But, I believe I have worked a lot of operation possibilities into it and enjoy running it. For the most part it is DDC, but I have one part that is a DC only on which I run Kato trams on a auto reverser. I am interested in adding more electronics in the form of signals etc. also interested in modern present day building. Not a lot of which is available commercially.
A Point of View
To All: A point of View--Model railroading and rail fanning is not a plug and play hobby, it is a challenging hobby, not for the lazy person. It is the road less traveled, it is expensive, time consuming, requires multiple skills and is not for everyone. We search it out. If we did not get a blank stare when we tell others we like trains and are model railroaders, I suspect we would take up a hobby that most others do not have. What is your opinion? Yours, Elvin Howland/E. St. Louis Rail Group Layout

Video of '20s & '30s Model Railroad at San Bernardino, CA Railroad Days
Here's a video that I made showing my club's display:
In addition to the model railroad, you can see ex-ATSF 3751 arriving under steam and see other 1:1 vehicles. The purpose of the video is to make our club more visible with the intent of attracting new members as well as new venues to display at in the greater Los Angeles/San Bernardino/Orange County area in California.
For more info about the club, see our website.
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