Why Koreans Don't Model Railroad....Very Much...
So I've gone out and seen South Korea Proper this weekend...and I though I'd share my observations.
IN a couple of the sources I looked up, I noted that they pretty much all stated that South Korea is not that big on Model Railroading. And after I got a good look at their system, I think I understand why.
First, THIS is a typical railroad mainline.

Railroading for the vision impaired?
As you are most aware of, this past Saturday was Merit Badge Academy again. 38 Scouts earned their merit badges and took home a car of their very own.
Btu this time a new challenge was thrown at me. At the afternoon class, 2 minutes prior to class, this 1 scout comes up and tells me he is visually challenged and his mom will be along in a few minutes if I have questions.

Idaho Free-mo
With a recent change in jobs and relocation to Idaho I have found myself living in an area void of Free-mo groups. So, I have decided to start one here out of Lewiston Idaho. I am encouraging anyone in Idaho, Eastern Washington and Western Montana to drop us a line if interested.
I have created a Webpage, Facebook and Yahoo Group. They are all very new and fresh and I plan to fill them out more in the near future.
Visitors to My Layout
To All: On Sunday, Nov. 2, 2014, Angela, Aydan and Daniel Garza from Greely, Colorado (home of an excellent railroad museum and model railroad), visited my layout. Adyan, age 2 years really loves trains! The Garza's are my wife's relatives. Yours, Elvin Howland/E. St. Louis Rail Group Layout
Middle school model RR: vertical curves
I’ve been stuck for a few weeks trying to decide how to break a log jam. The benchwork sections have been resting idle, loosely bolted together and leaning against the wall but not fastened to it. I have a new crop of students who have been happily learning the basics of car movement, coupling, inertia, switch operations, etc. on the Inglenook, but a few of them have begun to paw the ground, eager to get going on the big layout.

Pricing for prototype (1:1 scale) parts
Our club has some unique railroadianna, and have been approached about selling our RF&P Headlight and number board (the one that goes below the cab) from a steam locomotive, don't recall the type. I was wondering if anyone could suggest a place to look to determine what price we should ask for it. The locomotive number is 304, in case someone knows something unique about that locomotive.
MRH as the new reference material.
I lurk on a number of other model railroad forums. Some are Yahoo groups with daily emailed digests. What is interesting is the sudden reference of MRH articles or forum discussions being posted positively on these other sites. The article about the Files, Refilers, etc. is making the rounds on these sites. Each time the URL to the online article is posted. This is happening so often now that it is becoming common to see a reference to something in the monthly MRH edition or some thread currently going on.

Have you liked the MRH Magazine Facebook page yet?
Hey, we're getting close to 10,000 likes on our Facebook page ... if you haven't liked it yet, please drop by and like our page!
YouTube Model Builders LIVE Show for November - Episode 6 Novmeber 22nd, 2014
I'd like to introduce to a new adventure in Model Railroading. We are the YouTube Model Builders LIVE group and we produce a monthly Live show broadcast via Google Plus and YouTube. Below is the promo video. Come check us out. I think you will enjoy it.
Barry Rosier
Folks, Come join Tod "2Toady" Walton and Geno "Gknos Trains" as we talk about weathering. Giveaways include a 4 pack of threes from LongShadow Trees and a weathering powder kit from Bragdon Enterprises.

Lionel in Concord, NC
Interesting article of Lionel opening new store in Concord, NC:
Marc - Riverside
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