
El Paso, Texas trip.

My family and I had to make recent trip to El Paso, TX for family reasons.  Before heading out there I used the forum  to reach out to Eric Hansmann.  We soon had a number emails going back and forth.  Eric models in the 1920s era and my interests in the Morenci Southern Railway are from 1899 to 1922. 1922 was the end of the line for the MS.

Middle school model RR: cutting gussets

The wheels were in motion now and all three sections of my seventh grade math classes were hard at work on their respective components of the benchwork. In addition to the attention that they gave to their own parts of the project they were of course very interested in what the other sections were doing. Since everything took place in the same room it was natural for them to examine each other’s works in progress and think about how the various parts would come together. A very stimulating balance of mild competition and collaborating towards a common goal emerged.

Bill Brillinger's picture

HELP! Shipping from UK

I want to make a purchase from a vendor in the UK but they will not ship to me in Canada,
Is there somebody in the UK that can help me out?

- Bill

Middle school model RR: panel frame assembly

With only two different components besides screws and a simple rectangular configuration the first panel frame was an ideal learning vehicle. I made a quick sketch under the document camera to help the students locate pilot hole locations and we went through many of the same steps the L-girder team encountered for attempting, then improving, measuring and marking techniques.

Roger Litwiller's picture

Track Plan Tri-County CO-OP & Grain Elevator

I designed this Track Plan of the Tri-County CO-OP & Grain Elevator, based on the actual layout of the track, elevator and buildings.  This facility is located close to where I live. I have always been fascinated with the operation of this small industry. 

Click on the Image for a larger view.

Middle school model RR: panel frames

While the leg team and the L-girder team were wrestling with their components, my third class of seventh graders would construct the frames that sit on top of the L-girders. Four removable layout sections, three at 8’ and the fourth somewhat shorter to fit into a niche behind the main entry door. The design of each of the frames was based on a simple rectangle with cross pieces 16” o.c. but to accommodate the undulations and protuberances of the track plan no two frames were exactly alike.

Contacting Someone

Can you contact someone via personal email from a blog or topic? Specifically, if someone comments on your post and you would like to contact them via email for more information either to share or request that would either be off topic or may not interest others how do you do that? 

I tried selecting their screen name but that did not appear to work. 

Thank you 

Bill Michael

Middle school model RR: human clamps

(I apologize that I don’t have a photo to accompany this post. I don’t have a journalist’s reflexes so missed many key moments, but I’m determined to do better this year and maintaining this blog will help).

I post an agenda for every class on my blackboard. I’d had to revise my plans for the week substantially because I naively expected to finish all six L-girders in a single session, and here we were starting the third session with zero completed L-girders. This day’s agenda looked something like this:

Middle school model RR: L-girders

The leg team actually finished all twelve legs at their next class session. We set up the tilting table on the drill press so that each student could step up, position their 2x2 leg, and make that very satisfying pull on the feed lever down to the depth stop. 30 seconds that make a big impression when you’ve never controlled a powerful motor before.

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