Mathy timespackle
I’ve never been to an actual model railroad operating session other than watching club layouts during visiting hours and my own home layout activities with my kids. I am so grateful for the effort that folks have put into sharing their sessions on DVD and YouTube, especially Joe Fugate and Charlie Comstock, and for the published guidance from writers like Tony Koester. I’m hoping my naivete works to my advantage somehow as I adapt what I’ve gleaned to the special case of a classroom full of eager, chatty kids.
Action on the Inglenook
There were still a few more fundamentals to become acquainted with before we could get rolling. Because there was no scenic treatment of any kind on this Inglenook the kids’ attention was focused on the trackwork and it quickly became apparent to me that even this was entirely new to them. I showed them how flipping the lever on the ground throws moved the switch points. Even that tiny bit of animation drew exclamations of surprise, “Oh, I get it!”

Railroad Tycoon. do you play?
Which version do you play? Or, do you play at all. "Railroad Tycoon" introduced me to the concept of progression of raw materials to basic materials and then to finished goods.
I still play the original D.O.S. version which was released in 1990. I use "DOSBox" to play on my Windows 7 computer. The newer, updated versions,and I have them all, just don't have the magic of the original.
Inglenook orientation continues
At the next session the kids were excited but leery – aren’t we ever going to make that train go?
There was a list of operating roles on the blackboard. My classroom has three beautiful gray slate blackboards along one wall. They are unusual today, and the kids are fascinated with the whole idea of writing and drawing with chalk, though they also find the experience a little bit “edgy” and uncomfortable because of the squeaks when they push the chalk instead of pull it.
Switchperson (two required)

Embedded Ads
Curiosity has me posting this and maybe some other folks are wondering about this too. I have knowest over the last couple of days that when I click on a tread some of the posts have a highlighted word, bold, capitalized and in blue. Hold the cursor over it and an add pops up. Not related to trains at all.
The last one which I wrote down is in the Bachman code 100 topic. 2nd page, post is called Pricey and it is the 2nd word 1st line (THOUGHT). Hold your cursor over it and it comes up with an ad for
Just a taste to whet their interest
If you give a kid some sectional track, a power pack, an engine and some cars of course the first thing most of them will do is make a circle of track and see how fast the train will go. That’s the natural order of things.
My intention with the Inglenook was to disrupt the natural order enough so that the kids would sense that there’s something else going on.
It started with an Inglenook
I've toyed with the idea of building a working pike in my classroom since I started teaching about six years ago (I'm 58, I've had several other careers). A lot of it has been a selfish desire to increase my own opportunities to enjoy model railroading, so I've been cautious about making sure the academic value was appropriate.
A middle school model railroad
I'm a middle school math teacher. This last year I began to use model railroading as a vehicle for engaging my students with fun, interesting and educational activities that have vivid connections to meaningful real-world themes.
glad to be here
Just real pleased at having discovered this site and look forward to a long association with it We need fresh voices in the hobby and an online magazine might just appeal to the younger generation so tht our beloved hobby can continue to move forward.

How do you save a post as a "draft" so it can be added to over time and then posted?
I believe that I saw on a screen somewhere a "Save As A Draft" option instead of "Submit" but I can't seem to find it. I'd like to use the draft feature to work on a post as I complete portions of a project and then "Submit" when ready. Does anyone know if / how to do that? Thanks!
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