
Thanks to Bernd, I found out who John Galt was a few months ago. I still haven't read the book. I find Bernd's input both informative and thought provoking. He is right, computers are only a tool and not an end solution. I was told by a manager that we were gonna track power cable with a computer. I pointed out that if it could not be done with a pencil and a big chief tablet, then it could not be done with a computer.

This a link to my you tube channel. If you are interested in the videos of the many model railroads that I have visited and will in the future please connect and subscribe to my channel that way you will get to see all of them and receive a notice when one is posted. To the 100000s who have watched and asked all of the great questions thanks.
Those that have requested specific videos I have a list and will shot it as I do it on my layout. Like the last one Track painting.
Joey Ricard, has a new YouTube video posted.
Stumbled upon your new video on YouTube. What did you call that? No shame? I got the message. I had to drive across town, across the Red River into Bossier City to find a copy. That was great!
Iowa Scaled Engineering - Why Open?
Maybe you’ve noticed that funny looking gear logo on our advertisements or on our website and wondered, “What is that?” Maybe you’ve heard of open source, and you’re wondering how a bunch of products aimed at model railroaders really fit into that.

If you need a new home and a model railroad or two....
Checkout this real estate listing:
Weathering a box car
Hi all,
I would like to share a couple of pictures of my first weathering work. Since it was my first try, I took an old Mehano box car to practice.
Any comment or suggestion will be really appreciate.

Death of another hobby shop
Another hobby shop calls it quits at the end of this month. Got this off of the D list.
They mention the closing of 5 other hobby shops.

Great Video - How to Get What You Want For Christmas
We have all been here.
stay logged in
I had a hard drive crash. Now I have to log in every time i visit site. IE10 as before. Cookies excepted as before. Windows 7 as before. Other forums keep me logged in.

Holiday Greetings
Taking a moment to wish all of my model railroading "family" a Merry Christmas and a prosperous and Happy New Year. May all your signals be green, trains arrive on time, and consists be full of merchandise for your customers.
Peggy and I will be heading to South Carolina to visit the N Scale empire of my brother and enjoy the holiday with my dad, the Senator, who gave me the gift of signing for me (underage at the time) to work on the Nickel Plate Road with him during summers between semesters.
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