yahoo groups
Had a look at your favourite Yahoo group lately? You may not recognize it!
[edit] If you're not getting redirected to a /neo/ page you will see the same as before. If you are, well, the response has been uniformly negative so far, and for good reason.
Online Magazine for O scale
Here is magazine for O scale I found. I like as I'm in O scale, what do you think of it?

Tom Miller's Railroad(s)
Remember Tom Miller's F scale railroad featured in a past MRH issue? Take a look at these:

RE: My two inspirations for getting back into (Check This Out)
model railroading came about as the result of my having boxes of stuff that I had not looked into for years after having re-married, selling my house and buying a "new to us" home.

Virtual Railroading...A Brief Introduction
Hello model railroad junkies...yes, you know who you (we) are,
This blog, named "Sitting There...", will be mostly about railroad software. Yes, we are armchair modelers.
I will not be giving reviews of railroad software. This blog will be a thorough discussion of how software programs compare against each other, and what we like or don't like about them.
As I see it, there are four major categories of railroad software:
1. Train simulation programs
2. Layout design programs

Finding older posts
I am having some trouble navigating this site. Just yesterday I saw an amazing post or blog about someone kitbashing D&H steam engines. Someone asked for an update on his progress, that was how I came across it. Now I can't find it. I don't know who it was that wrote the article and using the search yielded unsatisfactory results. So my question is twofold: What am I doing wrong and how can I find that post? Thanks in advance for any help.

BLMA a/c units
I have had a package of the BLMA window mounted a/c units. They are etched metal and assemble exactly as advertised. A nice little detail for my HO buildings.
The directions say once the assembly is done to glue where the tabs connect to the base. I am unclear about what type of glue to use.
And I am not sure what the do with the metal that sticks beyond the base. This would keep the detail from laying flat to the window or building siding.
What did you do?

I have just discovered a solution to something that was starting to bug me on this forum. When following a particular topic I have, up to now, clicked on the Title and then had to scroll all the way to the bottom of the first page to select what I think was the last page I looked at.
If instead you just click the link in the "Replies" column it takes you straight to the last page you looked at (assuming you are logged in of course).
Am I hust stoopid or is there anyone else out there that hadn' t already figured this out. :-)
National Model Railroad Association
Been a Model Railroader for ten years now and recently considered joining the National Model Railroad Association, (NMRA). Based on the website, the organization seems "a little dated" including their achievement program. (Is scratch building cars or locomotives a relevant skill in today's hobby?)
Curious of other peoples thoughts and experience with the NMRA.
Are you a member? Why or Why not?
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