
That Magic Moment
After the “Destroying the Illusion” thread that got a bit emotive, I have done a lot of thinking about the subject of “visual reality” and come to a (possibly controversial) conclusion.
Anyway, here goes………
There are a lot of candidates out there for “Is it a Model” in the Photo Fun section (blogs as well). I’m not going to mention names for fear of unintentionally missing someone out, but you all achieve great things – Respect.

You guys are killing me with all these posts. Beet factories, coal yards, switching layouts, oil tank farms; it never ends and I'm out of room to add anything more. My wife has already put the "Kabash" on buying an old grocery store and my local club has no more room to expand - LOL!
Radio Shack closing 1100 stores in 2014.
Don't know if you all saw this today, but it was announced that Radio Shack will close 1100 stores in 2014.,0,683033.s...
You can search for this in the online news services. This may provide some clearance sales on electronics. Interesting how Radio Shack seems to be following the route of model railroad hobby shops. Radio Shack has always been the electronics hobby shop of our neighborhoods.
Alternate space for clubs
I know this is a crazy idea to start with but....

Weekly Photo Fun - Feb 21st-27th
Happy Friday! Let's start the Weekly Photo Fun picture sharing!
LOGOs Heralds - share yours?
- Dream and design
- MRH magazine
- Prototype information
- Layout design
- Layout tour
- MRH eBooks
- Benchwork - Roadbed
- MRH newsletter
- MRH website
- Trackwork
- DC - Electrical
- DCC - Electrical
- Locos - Rolling stock (general)
- Steam locos
- Diesel locos
- Scenery - Structures
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- Photo inspiration
- Personal journal (editorial or commentary)
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- Hobby event
- Humor
Share your "homemade" logo or herald.
Looking for inspiration; whether yours is freelance, proto-freelance, alterations for "what-if" logos and heralds.
Please let us know what era and inspiration or story behind your RR.
I am working on a Rock Island / Conrail "what if". I have done a KCN (Kansas City Southern & Chicago Great Western merger) what if. Pix to follow,

Weekly Photo Fun - Feb 14-20th
Happy Valentine's Day,
Time to start the new week's inspirational pictures!

What makes a model railroad GREAT?
What specific or general elements make a model railroad GREAT? In the same respect, what makes a model railroad NOT SO GREAT?
A couple recent posts started by JoeF got me thinking about these things... I'll start by listing my thoughts on the subject, starting from the ground up. I am by no means a master modeler or anywhere close. These are observations I have made over the past 25 years (off and on) of model railroading, based on layouts I have seen in person or print. These are things that ANY modeler can achieve without much skill or talent (both of which could describe me).
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