
Does anyone else think this is ridiculous??
I just received an email saying that my MR Digital Edition for September is now available for download... Seriously? It's July 20th...
Come on folks, get with it...

Destroying the Illusion
I’m talking about the moment when the thought: “Is it a model?” turns into “Yep, it’s a model”……….
I am curious about what people think are the primary culprits when it comes to realism killers.
This isn’t intended to be an opportunity to criticise people’s work but more a way of identifying improvement opportunities.
As Prof Klyzr says “Aim to Improve” and there never was a better bit of advice.
Shockwave Flash may be busy
or it may have stopped responding...
No kidding. Am I the only one who gets this message on a regular basis while my computer goes off on a lengthy coffee break?
I'm getting this message on two laptops, one of which is admittedly a bit resource-constrained. The other is less so (and sees the annoying message less often), but it's getting rather frustrating.

Independence Day RR Giveaway
Pardon my pimping; I'm giving away some surplus model railroad stuff on my C&Sn3 blog. Some N, HO and S scale goodies and a few books. No strings attached.
Check it out if you'd like:
Thanks and good luck!

Jim Six's Blogs
Did I see a post from Joe recently that stated that he would be restoring Jim's deleted blogs? Joe, if that is so, any idea when they will be resurrected?
From Stagnant to Steaming: Revise, Refurbish, Expand & Finish an HO layout
Last month (May), a man contacted me through our shared Local Hobby Shop: He had a 3'x16' HO layout that was half done. He also had grandsons who are 7- and 8-years old and who really wanted to run trains with Grandpa.
The challenge was that, ever since being diagnosed with cancer a year ago, between the chemo and the medication he just didn't have the energy to continue work on the layout. So he needed a strapping young man with the muscles and know-how to get the layout done and running well.

Blogging my MRH Memorial Day to Labor Day Challenge REDUX (with new and improved title)
So here we are, just starting the Second Annual MRH Memorial Day to Labor Day Challenge. You can find the opening thread here. SIne I jumped in last year, I decided to do it again this year. Being a good, government employed process guy, I looked over last year's thread. Here's what I planned to do then:
Realistic Street construction ideas
Realistic Street construction ideas
Just a quick post requesting ideas from my fellow modelers on how to construct realistic looking roads and streets. I have a need for a series of streets for my town area and I am not satisfied with any of my attempts so far, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Andrew Hauser
Minooka, IL

Missing the weekend pictures!!
Joe, I understand the need to close a thread due to anything you do not wish on your forum. However, the weekend photo fun thread by Driline each week helps keep my sanity since I have had to temporarily move to Las Vegas and can't work on my railroad. I so look forward to seeing everyone's fantastic work. Could you have just eliminated the poor content and allowed this great weekly thread to survive?
Thank you so much for listening...
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