DCC - Electrical

joef's picture

MRH DCC columnist retiring

It's not April Fools -- Bruce Petrarca, the MRH DCC Columnist, is retiring as of the August 2018 issue.

Bruce is also doing a DCC book for MRH, which we will publish.

But that's it for Bruce. He's going to focus on doing the hobby for himself and his local club -- the nerve of some people! (wink)

So, we're on the lookout for a new DCC Columnist! If you're interested, please use this link to express your interest and send your background details for why you feel you might be qualified to be our new DCC columnist:

Pelsea's picture

The Effect of Quantum Electrodynamics on DCC bus wire

As you probably know, the transfer of energy in a conductor is a manifestation of the movement of electrons under the influence of an external charge. Electrons are not free to move in the conductor, but are loosely held in molecular orbits. (Each electron has its own orbit/energy in accordance with the Pauli exclusion principle.) When an electron absorbs a photon from the external electromagnetic field, the additional energy may cause the electron to leave the orbit or even the molecule, becoming a free electron movng on the vector imparted by the photon.

I need help with placement of a reversing circuit, please.

Trying to find the "Reverse Loop Guru" to help me with the placement of a reverse loop circuit into a track plan. I can send a schematic of the problem if you are confident in reverse loop puzzles in DCC. Thanks.

geoffb's picture

SMA27 DCC Controlled Animated Passenger Coach

Model animation—bringing models to life—adds enormously to the interest and enjoyment of any layout or individual model! This time we’ll focus on a mobile animation that is easy to build incorporating a Digitrax TF4 function decoder, an Arduino Pro Mini, and a small DC gear motor. This is a relatively straightforward animation, which draws much interest.

1997 Easy DCC Command station

Does anyone know if an Easy Dcc command station from 1997 will work with todays JMRI Decoder Pro for motion only decoders. Specificically will it write and read back the decoder.


Help with configuration of Hare stationary decoder using LENZ DCC

Has anyone had any experience configuring a HARE stationary decoder with a Lenz system? I used to do this in my sleep but have forgotten how I did it. Yes I have read the manual and no it isn't helping me.

TIA Mark

Will_Annand's picture

Arduinos on Turntables

On m layout I have two Peco Turntables (N Scale).

It was suggested that an Arduino setup would be what I needed. I am a 100% Arduino newbie.

One turntable is simply to change direction of the locos coming and going from Elora.

The other turntable is in Orangeville yard and has 18 spokes.

What is required to automate these turntables?

Jamie@M160's picture

Scenic Sub Project Update 6 - Temperature adjustable LED lights and more benchwork...

Some of this info on LED lighting I posted in another topic elsewhere on MRH but it's the next update in my layout project, so here it is... :)


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