LVN - Switcherama
Switcherama is my new operating concept that is designed to give all operators a continuous running experience on the LVN. It is an alternative to the standard trains that are scheduled on the LVN and provides interest and variety for the operators at one session. Thirty-two strips of paper are created. Each has a switching move which includes a pick up and drop off from an industry to a yard or from yard to industry or industry to industry or yard to yard. The dispatcher controls the operation by giving the train orders (strips of paper) one at a time to each of
Easy Model Railroad Inventory Upgrade Now Available
Version 5.0 12/21/2011
1. Changed entry field order on Favorite Picture update page.
2. Changed entry field order on Favorite Internet Site update page.
3. Rolling stock picture path now saved.
4. Locomotive picture path now saved.
5. Favorite picture path now saved.
6. Structure picture path now saved.
7. Detail part picture path now saved.
8. Added Location field to rolling stock report designer.
9. Added Location field to locomotive report designer.
Helper ops question
Say a stretch of railroad in a mountainous area was owned by railroad A, but railroad B had trackage rights.
That stretch of railroad is also a helper district, where railroad A's trains stop at the base of the grade to have extra locomotives added for the trip up the grade, and removed after the trip down the grade.
What happens to railroad B's trains?
1. Do railroad A's helper locos get added to railroad B's trains?
2. Does railroad B also have its own helper locos stationed at the base of the grade?
You Operations guys - input please
So it's time to show my ignorance and hopefully help reduce it. I was doing a little operations on my alcove expansion and my "orders" said "pull L&N 90508 boxcar from Palmer". The problem is, with the box car particaly inside Palmer's building I can't see the car number on the side and the end number is too small to read (see the picture mock up below).
I am looking for some input from those with operating layouts. There are some choices to be made as I go ahead - - I have the option of installing some: A) under the track magnets; B) in track magnets; or C) use a pick tool to uncouple cars on sidings and along the main line at interchange tracks.
Hidden Trackage and Multiple Shelves
Hi folks,
I'm still in the drawing/tinkering phase of layout design and wanted to pose a couple of questions (I'll try hard to explain things clearly).
Name that area - your suggestions please
I was just reading another posting on naming locations on a layout and I'm at a loss to name an area in my alcove expansion. The building on the left is Palmer Asbestos and the building on the right is yet to be named. When considering names it can or cannot refer to the industry names. The name of the artist that painted the wall mural is Linda. I may or may not use your suggestions, but I welcome them and thank you in advance for your input.
FNG Eastenders Operations session on the LVN
Please enjoy video of November ops session
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