DC - Electrical

Turnout issue
I hope I can receive some help as i've been knocking my head against the wall on this one. I thought this would be an easy spur install.
DC Auto Polarity Reverser
On my new track layout I have two Reverse Loops to deal with. I would appreciate some info on good DC Auto Polarity Reverse products. Thanks
HOn3 Power Pack
What DC power pack/setting/voltage would one use for a Blackstone HOn3 engine, HO or N scale? The scale is HO but the track is N (3).
Intermountain SD40-2 issue
I have a DC model railroad (using MRC 9950 power packs) which I have been constructing over the last 6 months. Today I encountered an interesting issue with a pair of Intermountain SD40-2s that I purchased last year. Up until a month ago I was using an old MRC 501 and an MRC 2400 (from the 1970s and 1980s) to power the two tracks (it's a double-track mainline). The pair of SD40-2s (no sound) ran just fine with both of those power packs, although the throttle setting response of the locomotives was different for the two power packs.

Build a simple push button controller
The electrical switches you see most often on model railroads are toggles. It's no wonder, they do the job, they are easy to understand and connect, and they give a visual indication of layout status. However, some functions can be performed better with push button switches, particularly if you wish to control a function from two locations. The downside of pushbuttons is they can seldom do the job alone. They usually require an indicator light, and remote operation implies some sort of circuit that is being operated.
Fun with Arduinos
Since I met a guy who works at Dell, who told me about such things as Raspberry Pi's and Arduino's, I've been learning and planning some fun projects for Arduinos on my layout. I'm beginning in my city (Philly) area and will try to implement some of the following ideas:
Traffic Lights
Building Lighting
Highway Flashers
Later I might get into areas that other MR's are involved in such as
DCC control of trains and controlling switch machines
MRC Light Genie
Currently I am using an SPST on/off push button to turn on some lights. The lights are powered from an old DC power pack. The push button is mounted in the layout fascia. I want to eliminate the push button but still use the power pack as a power source. I know the new MRC Light Genie can do a lot of things. Can it be used to just act as a SPST switch? Right now I do not want it to power the lights, just turn them on. I some one could tell me how to do that I would appreciate it.
HO scale garden Railroad
Has anyone attempted to build an HO scale garden layout? If so, please advise as to set backs with wiring, roadbed etc.

For some of you 'Arduino-ites'
Ran across this article HERE (Engadget) today and though a couple of you Arduino experts might see some usefulness for this in our hobby.

Rapido Railcrew uncouplers issues
Has anyone tried the Rapido Railcrew uncouplers? I can't get mine to work. The magnets are supposed to rotate out of the uncoupling position and nothing moves when I activate the toggle switch. The LED lights up, and the panel LED stays lit, but no movement from the magnets.
I hard wired everything, since I could not figure out their connector plug. I used a 12V 300ma power supply at first, then replaced that with a 12V 500ma power supply. They say 500ma minimum. Maybe I need more power to the coils?
Any input appreciated.
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