Bonus Extra download issues April 2013 and older
Bonus Extra download issues April 2013 and older. I can download the bonus extras form the current issues to May of 2013. But when I try to down load April 2013 or any thing older I get an error page not found. Any one else currently have this problem?

Layout Status Update and A Question
Well everybody, we've got a closing date on the new house, end of September. Start of the new layout is in sight! Finally!!!!!!!! Along with that vane, how do those of you that have large work benches w/multiple work areas organize said benches. I realized on the last layout progress was really slowed down by having to clear off the workbench everytime I wanted to shift between projects to help keep my interest up. It didn't help ethier that in the shuffle I would end losing parts for one project and get them mixed up with parts for another project.
A Modelers Life
I was happily surprised to see my name listed on this week’s AML podcast. While I hardly consider myself an “All Star”, it is fun to participate in the “friends of” forum. After listening to my interview a number of ideas came to mind that might be of interest to others so need to put pen to paper or do more videos of progress on my Oahu Railway “Pine Spur Branch”.

B-38's On The Local Short Line
Back with a nice little snippet here. Found both of these as power for the local short line.

Layout status update
Hey guys, just wanted to give you a quick FYI, WE FOUND THE HOUSE!!!!!! Already measured the space and the layout will fit with a bit of room to spare. Waiting on the closing process to finish up so it's looking like move-in will be November and then hopefully January to start construction. Side note, been making some progress on the workbench projects. Will have an update out soon and a room/track plan reveal after that. Thanks for following guys and stay tuned.

Multiple Postings to Single Subject Thread
I've had some forum members suggest that I am trying to 'monopolize' a forum discussion by placing multiple postings on it in succession. I wish to explain my actions so you might understand why I do such things in a number of incidents.
And ask each of you if you've run into the same situation?

Model Railroading in Southern Nevada?
So over a year ago I had to completely dismantle my model railroad as I no longer had any space for it. In fact, I currently don’t have any space in my apartment for any sort of layout of any size. Long story short, My roommates take up a majority of the apartment leaving me with no space to build anything.
Model Storage & Display
Hi all! I suppose many of us have a second hobby or other things aside from modelling which occupy our free time. Mine is woodworking and building furniture. I've ended up dedicating more time to this recently as I have a fully outfitted wood shop at my disposal, though I do enjoy working on detailing and weathering locomotives and rolling stock when I have the chance, as well as a few static diorama scenes approximately 12"x24".

Aunt Minnie's Farm, from memory....
Hello to Rail Road Modeler's !!!
This picture here is a corner diorama that has survived from the previous layout, I plan on adding this into the new layout i am currently building, and designing as i go.
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