Happy Fathers Day
For all the dads out there and those remembering your father today, I hope yours is as chill as mine has been. As much as I love and miss my kids, I love the time to myself. Besides a “virtual” bicycle ride (Zwift) and making a short little film of my staging area, I have absolutely no plans, goals, or obligations today. Sweet!
What did everyone else do?
Chinese viaduct prototype
If you have a couple minutes, try this video from YouTube. I wonder how the Chinese model railroaders feel about using this bridge on their apartment sized layouts....
Enjoy, even at x2 speed. Nick
Middle School Model Railroad: public facing model railroading
The railroad I’ve been building with kids in my middle school classroom is sectional - designed to dismantle and store every summer because my room gets used by a summer camp program and then again by a Maker Fair

The Big Boy is coming to Boone
Hey everybody, this isn't my usual post but wanted you to know this. 4014 is coming to Boone Iowa on the 15th of June. I've made plans to go up with a couple of friends of mine. However, if you're in any of the following locations, feel free to come on up and say "hi". Would be great to meet some of you, especially if you're also one of my Youtube subscribers.
Burger King off highway 30, 8:00 to 9:00 A.M.
Boone & Scenic Valley Railroad Museum 9:00 to 11:30d
Subway 11:30 to 12:00

The HO Scale Gapmaster
Here's the ultimate tool for layout joints, gaps, and just about anything else. Best thing I've ever bought for the layout. Period.
Tariffs on Chinese goods—not going to dodge the bullet this time?
I happened to see a link to the latest proposed tariffs on Chinese goods and thought I’d see if we got caught in the net this time. This is what I found:
Not looking so good right now, but time will tell, I suppose.
Mike in CO

Trainz Livestream
Hey everybody, finally going to do another Trainz live stream at 6:00 P.M. CENTRAL. Hope to see y'all there.
(give or take a few minutes, LOL!!)
Go to and just click on the video when I go live
Mushroom Layouts --All at once or one deck at a time?
Joe Fugate & et al,
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