To choose KD 148 or 158
A modeler getting interested again after 60years has accumulated a couple dozen cars which have horn hook couplers, truck-mounted on plastic trucks.
The choice must be made to forever go with one of the two KD coupler types:
#148(whisker spring version of KD#5) or
#158(semi-scale, whisker spring)
Are there ideas and suggestions?

Publishing model train videos on YouTube? Don't worry about it ...
This has blown up on YouTube the past couple of days - apparently the Federal Trade Commission is putting teeth into COPPA (Child Online Privacy Protection Act), to the tune of a $42,530 fine per violation (video)... since most of the world considers what we do to be "playing with toys," what we put up on YouTube can potentially fall afoul of this.

Oddly Satisfying.
So here's what I want you to do...
Take a nice section of track on your layout. Did you find that one perfect section? Mostly straight, maybe a curve or two?
Now, find a nice smooth rolling car... a favorite boxcar maybe... or a caboose... nothing too long. That really well running stock car, with the metal wheels, where if you flick those wheels, they just keep spinning, and spinning... you know the type.
Rod Stewart tells the UK about his hobby
It is well known in the US that singer, Rod Stewart, is an avid Model Railroader and his layout has appeared in US magazines. However, until now, he has kept it pretty quiet in the UK.
In the summer, on a major BBC magazine type programme, he did mention that now he had finally completed his layout in L.A. he could get back to making music. The presenters were not overly kind to him, and gave him a toy train set. This sort of derision is probably the reason he had previously decided "I don't want to talk about it" *.

Port of Green Bay Railroad - Andy is at it again!
Here we go again! Lumber is on hand for the start of construction on my fourth iteration of my proto-freelanced Port of Green Bay Railroad. I went back to basics to plan for my new 29'x11' finished layout room, starting with the Version 2 plan that I really enjoyed (Version 3 was too big!). Take a look at the attached plan...and some photos of that layout in action.

Good morning from Raleigh, NC - Sipping & Switching Society of NC layout
Good morning all!
About 40 members of the Sipping and Switching Society of North Carolina, Ohio Valley Sipping and Switching Society, Wilmington Model RR, Speed-Mo, and Free-mo modular groups got together yesterday to fill a void.
Heading to Trainfest from Vermont.
Tuesday morning November 5, 2019.
Bags are packed so the hurry up has turned to wait. Amtrack’s Vermonter will transport me to Philadelphia where I will spend the night.

Attention Randy Decker
Randy, nice conversation, enjoyed our phone chat. Since we talked about some of your present projects regarding your tribute layout I thought I would share this with you.
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