
Basement Preparation is Hard Work!
Last Saturday, I moved our old Coal / Wood Furnace out of the basement. After 3 hours of disassembly, shoving, sliding and lifting, three grown men and a come-along managed to get the firebox and ash bin loaded into a pickup truck. All three of us looked like we did a hard shift in a nearby deep mine. We estimated the firebox section to weight in excess of 400 pounds.The best part, though, is that there is plenty of room to run the layout through this location!

Randy Lee Decker's Great Divide Lines John Allen tribute
Randy Lee Decker has embarked on modeling a 95% accurate replica of John Allen's third layout. Randy's background is in museum display work and he's approaching this project as another of his museum projects.
That means this layout is a serious "replica" of John Allen's famous layout, almost board for board, stick for stick -- but not quite. Randy will be using more modern technology in his replica -- like high fidelity flex track, Kadee couplers, and DCC. Plus he's making a few "improvements" or "corrections" to John's design -- but only a few. Randy can talk about those.

Where Are Those RR Ads?
I've read several times now that advertisers are abandoning traditional advertising in magazines such as MRH, MR, RMC, etc. The story goes that these advertisers are getting more and better exposure on the internet via social media. I do a bit of reading on Facebook (several railroad related groups, and a few friends), but that's about it.
Not once have I seen a model railroad ad outside of a hobby publication. Obviously I'm not in the "right place". So where are all these model railroads ads being seen?
...just wondering

Little Canada
If you live here, or are coming to Canada next year, have you heard of "Little Canada"?

The Great Divide Lines A tribute to John Allen and the Gorre & Daphetid
I just recently ran across this VERY INTERESTING project to recreate John Allens model RR,...documented in this subject thread on another forum. Perhaps of interest to some model RR fans on this forum that may not know of it.
Model RR club needs members
My name is Stephen Fletcher. I am a member of Rockville Centre Model Railroaders, a club located in, (of all places), Rockville Centre, New York, a town on Long Island. The street address is 200 Sunrise Hwy. We have been at this location for over 45 years. The name of the railroad is The Sheepshead Connecting Lines, as it was started in Sheepshead Bay Brooklyn. The railroad is HO scale with 90% hand laid track and turnouts, there are 5 DC mainline cabs and 3 separate local cabs for switching towns.

Eastern Canada Division of the NMRA Podcast Announcement
The Eastern Canada Division of the NMRA is pleased to announce the publication of their first Podcast. You can listen at:

Amherst Railway Society layout
Amherst Railway Society is finally building a club layout after 50 years. It's a very simple 2-track loop.
In 1 1/2 inch scale.

Whatever happened to the LK&O Layout?
They owner used to post here, then moved to his blog only, and then nothing. Is it still going, sans the blog or is it at a standstill? Thanks.
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