
Save an Individual Posting as a PDF
What is the best way to save an individual posting on this forum?
I believe I've seen lots of references to saving as a PDF? Is this a really good way to saving a posting, along with the photos present in the posting?? I'm having some problems with this.
This is one I am particularly interested in saving right now,...Allegheny loco sound installation
Model Railroaders videos on YouTube and The New YouTube Membership no more Free Lunch?
Model Railroaders videos on YouTube and The New YouTube Membership,
There is sort of money crunch needed by content creators or people that are serious about producing Model Railroad video content.
What's on your workbench? February 2020
January was a rough month to start the year off with and I'm ready for work this month, albeit a few hours early. That extra day on the end will certainly make a difference! Let's see what you've got.
INspection Car Ride from Oakland to Sparks on The Wabash Cameraball

Less than 3 weeks left - Crowd funding the production of model railroad products - HO box and auto cars
I don't think I've seen anyone try to use crowdfunding to raise the capital needed to bring a model railroad product to market, but here is an example.
Prototype Junction. a new company, is raising funds to tool an assortment of HO scale Pratt-truss single-sheathed box and auto cars. These plastic cars would be available RTR and as kits. Parts would be made available also.
Here's the link if you want to learn more about what they are doing and why:
December Update
today I uploaded the December Update to Youtube. During the last few months not much happend to my modelrailroad projects. But last October some friends and I spend a weekend in Berlin to built about 20 curved modules to FREMO N-RE standards. After these I spend a few days in the Harz Mountain region and took a trip on the HSB (Harzer Schmalspurbahn) from Gernrode to Wernigerode and back.
How to control your topic
I have a question. Is thier any way to actually control a thread on this forum? By that I mean can I post (somehow) and lock out or delete spicific posts or posters from being able to post to my topic/thread?
The reason I ask is I have noticed that certain types of discussions will start off well but eventually those with a different view on the subject will enter the thread even if asked not to and ultimately the thread blows up and gets locked and a good discussion gets trashed.
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