
Locomotive Sounds
Hi I am looking for a source of MP3´s of Locomotive train sounds of generic steam and diesel locomotives along with just train sounds to play from an iPhone when running a layout due to the fact that I don´t have DCC if anyone knows where I can find some that would be great.
Middle school model RR: we begin operations
We made remarkable progress installing feeder wires before the kids (and teachers) had a week off for Spring Break. I was disappointed that we didn’t quite finish as I had hoped that the break would be the pause before we started operating. So I snuck in during the break and finished up the feeders.
My vintage Louis Marx given to me as a child
As a child in the early fifties I got my Louis Marx G scale train set. It has set unused most of my life, following wherever my military career took me, then sat in my closet for the last 23 years. A discussion about Hal Joyce, TT scale, and his starting HP products in my small hometown got me to pull out my train set.
I recieved something very interesting from a friend the other day....
... it is 5 pieces of very old flex track. I am pretty sure this stuff is from the 60's or older. The ties are made something like a card board or the like. They are brass rail, and very interesting. Would this be something a model railroad museum would want?
I don't thought maybe the forum might.

The Schnabel Car
Well I rarely spell the name of this car right so I will try not to but below are some images and videos of it being one of my favorites I wanted to show it to some people though I am sure mostt people have already heard of it.

Joint Bars in O and S scale? other scales?
Our HO Scale Joint Bars have been very popular and I have gotten requests to
produce the bars in other scales.
We already offer an N scale set, and I'm working on a channel style version too.
In the mean time, I'd like to know what other scales people are interested in having joint bars for?
O Scale? S Scale? Other scales?
And more importantly, WHAT CODE of RAIL should these fit for each scale?

Model Power is alive
Just got off the Model Rectifier site.
They now have a tab for Model Power. It looks like they will carry most of the items that Model Power had in the last few years. Including some of the Mantua classics.
Regards, John
Abortion is advocated only by persons who have themselves been born. <> Ronald Reagan

Vision-challenged modelers?
We just received some very nice feedback from a vision-challenged person who wants to get into the hobby after listening to the MRH Podcast.
So - here's a call out to any other vision-challenged modelers out there. Please let us know who you are and how we could hook you up with this newbie who wants to do the hobby. How do you do the hobby, and what are the methods you're using to make the hobby work for you?
We'd like to share your experiences with this newbie!
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