
Request for Information About a Model Railroad Club near Hungerford, UK
Hello to all,

Single Track Dual Direction Model Railroad Speed Trap
In this video I present a complete demonstration of the Single Track, Dual Direction Speed Trap that was created for The Launchpad for Model Railroading Project. This project is an open source group-ware initiative for model railroading and microcontrollers.

Model Railroads & Structures Show - Episode 6
You can also listen to our show via our new podcast version that is also released usually within a day or so of the video release.
Middle school model RR: school's out for summer
Classes have ended, we had a nice graduation ceremony for the outgoing eighth graders headed off to high school, I’ve finished end-of-term progress reports and I can finally turn my attention to planning for next year.

Layouts and hobby shops to visit
I'll be traveling to Burnsville, NC (about halfway between Johnson City, TN and Asheville, NC) and would like to know about any model railroad clubs/layouts that might be available to visit. Also any hobby shops in the area that are recommended. I'll be heading down I-81 to I-26 to get there and staying about a week, and anything in the western part of NC and eastern part of TN might be within range, say 1-1.5 hours from Burnsville.

RailPro User Group
An Un-official RailPro Users Group has been started on Yahoo Groups.
If you're a RailPro user, check it out...
Awile back I decided to try railquick. I downloaded and installed it. Found out my computer lacks "access". There was some talk if I remember about possibly making it work with more open source programs. Has this been done yet? I know copies of access are still available but the ones I fi d are either not compatible with my machine or waaaaay out of my budget.

Railroad Patch Collection
These used to belong to my Great Grandfather and I am pretty sure most of them were actually from the railroads. I was given these for Christmas and also have a few more in storage. If anyone else has a collection it would be cool if you posted it here. Lets see how many we can get.
10 to start it off.

BLI Stock Car
Greetings everyone,
I’m having problems with my BLI stock car. The cows will moo once when I either place it on the layout or turn on the power but will not make another noise even when moving. I have tried selecting the decoder number (3) and even tried to get DecoderPro3 to find it, but no luck.
I have tried checking the power pickups and they are making good contact.
Anyone else had this problem or got any ideas for a fix?
Thanks in advance,

Junction Valley Railroad
I found this while wandering around Google check it out it is the worlds largest quarter size railroad.
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