Middle school model RR: talk me out of it
Being a teacher is intrinsically rewarding. I work hard during the school year, and get a couple of carefree months off during the summer. Not much pay, but I’ll take the tradeoff.

Snow plow
It's too early, at least in this hemisphere, to think of that four-letter word, but a friend sent me this link that was fun to see:
Bob Bochenek

What's on your Workbench? - August 2015
Ok, time for a new what's on your Workbench. I know it's August and there won't be much modeling happening, but on those hot or rainy days there always seems to be a couple of spare hours. So let's see what you got.
Edited Note: There was some confusion because I named the thread wrong. It has been corrected.

Railhead custom painting
Does anyone have in-person, real world knowledge of Railhead custom painting, or its owner, John Miller? A few of us, from various other forums, have had to form a loose support group, due to our long-term loss of contact with Mr.
NMRA Contests?
So it had previously been suggested to myself that I enter some of my photos into the photo contests at an NMRA convention. It happens that I'll be going to the Mid-East Region convention in October with the Free-mo layout there. My question is this? Are NMRA contests as rooted in the steam age as the photo contest rules appear to be? For example the three categories for photos are steam, non-steam and model. And I noticed and Arts & Crafts entries too. All my photographs are of diesels or electrics. My models too aren't steam.

Great Working Homemade Track Cleaning Car
I was trying to come up with a good track cleaning design and here it is. It uses a freight car (boxcar or tall covered ones best), a cleaning cloth, small piece of wood or similar and nails/screws. To use it you simply wet the pad with your preferred cleaner and off you go and it can easily be added to a train.
Building:(Sorry no photos) To start out you find a good sized base and drill holes in your car base to line up with that. Through those holes you place screws and into the wood. Mounting the cloth can be done in many ways and two are shown.

How does your NMRA Division operate
I'm having a pretty nasty fallout with the NMRA currently and was just curious if there are other divisions with similar practice as the Allegheny Plateau Division (APD) of the Mid Central Region. The county I reside is/was looking to be moved from the Niagara Frontier Region to the Mid Central Region. Up until 5 years I had attended meetings with the members of the APD but was a victim of the fallout of the great insurance crisis. the dreaded 404
Been trying all day to get on the site without success; the homepage simply would not load.
Just a few minutes ago I got the dreaded "404" message, which then morphed into a host web server page saying site was no longer available.
Anyone know if this is just a prolonged interruption due to a server being down? Or are they moving to a new server?

An Incredible Resource - April 1990 CN Winnipeg Terminal Car Control Manual
An Incredible Resource
Steve Boyko, recently posted a page from a very interesting document in a Facebook Railfan group I belong to.
The document is the April 1990 edition of the CN Winnipeg Terminal Car Control Manual.
When I saw the post my brain went haywire.
It contains track diagrams and car spot lists, codes, and names, for EVERY CN Customer in Winnipeg in 1990!
**Mind Blown**

Model Rail Radio...
The latest episode of Model Rail Radio is now available, featuring yours truly!
- well, ok featuring may be an overstatement.
Check it out:
- Bill
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