
[GWMS Model Railroad Club] Help With Yard
Well I am looking for help now with some wiring. I am working on getting a switch module (see image). We will most likely be making a yard module and I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for blocks. The yard blocks would be separated by track and run by the sam power pack as their respective tracks. If we were running DCC this wouldn't be a problem but we have DC if anyone could help please do. Thanks in advance, Trainmaster247.
Middle school model RR: the economics layer
A model railroad makes a fantastic educational vehicle for many reasons, but when you’re working with a diverse group of kids it is the wide range of interesting aspects that gives everyone something appealing to explore. One element that finds subtle expression in the models but is largely a hidden force is economics.
Don Cassler, B&O M&K Division passes away
MMR Don Cassler, modeler of the B&O M&K Division lost his battle with Prostate cancer May 2015. Don's layout was captured in Allen Keller's Great Model Railroads #5 and in the June, 1990 issue of Model Railroader. His layout featured hand-laid trackwork, beautiful mountain scenery, a working signaling system and some great operation in his monthly sessions. His passing places him with other icons of the hobby such as, John Allen, Linn Wescott, and Paul Mallery. His railroad lasted for almost 30 years and he hosted many open houses and op sessions for visiting modelers.

GWMS Model Railroad Club
- Dream and design
- Modeling topic
- Layout design
- Layout tour
- Benchwork - Roadbed
- Trackwork
- DC - Electrical
- Locos - Rolling stock (general)
- Steam locos
- Diesel locos
- Scenery - Structures
- Operations
- Layout maintenance
- Tools, tips and tricks
- Community
- Photo inspiration
- Personal journal (editorial or commentary)
Hi I am sure most of you have seen my past posts on the Model Railroad Club and had a suggestion to combine them all into one so this is where I will move all past posts and future ones so they can be easily found. If anyone has any other suggestions feel free to post them in the comments or PM me thanks again to all of you people who have helped and are following my posts.

Great News Three Donations In One Day!!!!!
I just received an email from a Kato representative and they are able to donate a HO scale Metra engine. Also a local club has supplies they can donate and also the donations from David Thanks to all of them.

Thanks David Calhoun: We Have Scenery
The list of items is slowly increasing thanks to Augusta Track and a MRH local David Calhoun. Below are the images of what he sent for us and the teacher is very thankful. In roughly two weeks I will be scenicing (not sure on spelling) one of the curve modules so we will have an example next year.
Saving A Roundhouse
The last remaining Hawaiian railway roundhouse may be demolished. The owner's want to sell the property and only see the nearly 100 year old building as a liability. What should be done? Should I put up a KickStarter program, seek a benefactor, or put together a partnership and buy it?

We Now Have Track!!! (School Club Beginnings)
After a short wait I have great news. Over the weekend I received the first donations for our school layout. They are an extremely generous amount of products from Augusta Track creator of a modular track system (website link:
Their card
The Power Packs and Signs
Middle school model RR: structures
There is so much to do on a model railroad! While most of my students are absorbed by the experience of operating, I have more students than available operating positions at any given time, so it's a good idea to keep other activities on tap that make a contribution to the fun and provide an educational benefit.
Building scale structures is one of those things.

Modular Help
Hi as I am sure most of you know by now my school is starting a club and we want to make it modular (possibly) and I could use some help planning the gap points below is the track plan so please let me know what you think. Thanks, Trainmaster247
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