Computer Assisted Operations - How Far
I have been reading a lot of wonderful articles on Computer Assisted Operation such as JMRI and others. I am planning my layout to work with signals and have crossed over to the " dark side " of operations. My questions are:
How do you incorporate computer assisted operations into your sessions?
To what extent have you incorporated computer assistance ( if any ) ?
What are some reasons you did or didn't use computer assisted operations?
Op Sessions on the N&W Pocahontas District
Well, it finally happened. Thanks to Bill Brillinger who came for a layout visit and put me in touch with some other local model railroaders in my area, I was able to host my first real ops session on my layout.
I've never hosted an op session before on any of my previous layouts, so this was a new experience for me. But it was definitely a great one! Dave Hamilton and Randy Nord come over and we ran trains for a little more than 2 hours.
Operations outside the box
I have been considering what it may take to have remote operating sessions. To illustrate what I mean here is an example. My layout will have rail barge service that operates out of Prince Rupert BC, sending and receiving cars from other places along the pacific coast that also have rail barge service like Whittier Alaska, Vancouver or where ever.
In need of an old issue of MR
I am in need of an old issue of MR. August 1979 to be exact. And to be more specific the article on the Fonda, Johnstown and Gloversville Railroad. I have already checked MR back issues and they don't go back that far.
If anyone has that issue and wouldn't mind photocopying the article and mailing it to me. Or scanning it and emailing it to me, I will gladly pay any reasonable costs.
You can contact me at jjb522710@gmail.com
Thank you in advance
General Rules
The Australian region of the NMRA is holding it's annual convention here in Adelaide South Australia on September 16 & 17. http://www.nmra.org.au/Convention2017/convention17.html
Setting Goals - 21 Weeks / Week 3
Week 2 - 20 weeks remaining
Week 3 - Finishing trackwork
Week 4 - Continue working on Week 3 stuff (eat too much and cycle while the sun is shining!)
Building model trains is, and has been, a lifelong passion.
By definition my hobby is a pastime and not done for income or to please anyone other than myself. That sounds selfish and self centered but really true.
On the other hand I really love to share my efforts with those who understand. This forum has been that community.
Update on the Shipper-driven Traffic Simulator (STS) testing
Holding on a hill.
I model the C&O and as such Flat ground was rare on the prototype. While the area I model (the New River Gorge) was flatter then other area it still had a bit of a grade. And while I flattened out major switching areas I do have a few Coal tipples and such where the train being switch will have to sit at least partly on an incline. Part of this is due to geometry. One of my tipples had a track going up from the main to the tipple and back down to the main. So part of the train will be on an incline.
Membership Drive
Northern Hills Railway Society is looking for some model railroaders that would like to join a club. At this time we have no dues. All of our Locos and rolling stock is own by the club. The Club is located on Deadwood, Main Street, South Dakota. In recent years we have lost a number of members to the great layout in the sky. So the club is looking for new members to join our great layout. The HO and HOn3 layout is 70 feet long and 16 feet wide and has two main DC lines that run off a dollar machine.
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