Modeling topic

passenger car lighting

I'm a new member, and like your forums. I am a grand-dad, and just getting
into G-scale LGB with my grandson. I am having a problem trying to figure
out how to get some lighting in a couple passenger cars. All the cars we
have so far have plastic wheels. I think I would like to go the track
pickup route, but would like to see pictures or video on how to hook this up

Any help would be greatly apprecmated


McCloud RR boxcar color

I'm looking to paint and decal some custom MR boxcars I'm building. Can someone point me to the right color or color combination of model paints? I prefer scalecoat II, but will use whatever works. Photo credit = Ron Hawkins

Its Been Awhile

Well I guess its been awhile since I last posted a blog, with the problems we've experienced after Tropical Storm Debbie, and a few other issues, we are finally, (FINALLY), getting back to normal, hopefully we won't see stuff like that again anytime soon, however, with the world the way it is, I suspect!


Lars-NYCentral's picture

New Eastbrook development

The coming months I will work on the New Eastbrook N-scale modules. I already scratch build some structures and some more will be made. As you can see I also have to lay some track.... This is the current status (March 4 2013) and the starting point of the New Eastbrook development :-)


Need Help

Shadetree tools

Ok, I'm sure this is gonna be old hat for some but maybe I can help a few newbies like myself.

2 tools I made that save me a bunch of time.

Lars-NYCentral's picture

My N scale modules Meesville and New Eastbrook

As a member of the Dutch modular model railroad club the PH&LF Railroad Association I made several modules. My main two module sets are Meesville and New Eastbrook. Both are a work in progress whereas Meesville is the most complete scene.

With this blog I will give every now and then an update on my building progress. For the buildings on the modules I try to make as much as possible my own scratchbuild buildings.

To start two pictures of both module sets in current state.


Garage layout plan needs a bridge.

I have one side of the garage bench work complete. I need ideas on what to use as a "mainline run" spanning the width of my garage door (11') to the other half of the layout.

HO Scale
NS Frankfort Division (Frankfort Yd. - Tipton Yd.)
Mid 1990's

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