
Wonderful video of a Swedish HO layout
Hi all, I´m active on a few Swedish Forums as well (being Swedish and all....),
On The "Stinsen".Forum there was this link to a Layout video featuring a Forum friends work.
His name is Sture Bylén and he has made his layout to show how his childhoods hometown of Morshyttan looked in 1959 and also features a lot of real events and persons from the area.
I hope you will enjoy it, there is English subtitles in the works as I write this.

Great Hobby Resource
I just stumbled on to a great site called I was looking for info on 1st generation piggyback and this data was in Model Railroading back in the 80s or early 90s. I went to the MRG website and they mentioned that a new back issue had been posted to the Trainlife site. Although I have only barely scratched the surface of what is available, it looks like MANY issues of MANY magazines are available in web format.
I don't recall seeing any info about this site before did I just miss it?
Intermountain "New AC-12" ?......
Hello all.
I saw an advertisement stating that Intermountain is doing a "3rd" release of their AC-12 (also 8 and 10), It says that it has a new "powerful drive mechanism." Well it was the compaints about the"drive mechanism" that kept me from buying the first and 2nd models. Any word from any source about is they have infact got the design right this time? This is on of the best looking models I have seen, but the last thing I would wnat to do is remotor anengine when I have already spent $330 plus.
Jim Boyd
Saw a post on Trainorders today that Jim Boyd has passed away.
Many will know him from Carstens and many railfan videos.
My best to his friends and family.
Randy McKenzie
MR Index Is back online
The MR Index is back onine!
Get it here
This is what we've been waiting for.
Barry Rosier
Moderator edit: edited so link will launch in separate window.
Let me introduce you to Daisy, she is a railfan, (a better looking one than I am!), she travels the country, or countries shooting train vids, true she is really only a 3D computer graphics model, but she is my creation, for those who mess around with 3D modeling and computer graphics, and you use either DAZ Studio or Poser, you can get her .pz2 morph file for Victoria 4.2 at

Train shops in LA
Any recommendations for good train shops in LA (other than those listed on the MRH site)? With the weather here, I may have some more free time than planned.
Brooklyn N-Trak Nature Center Show, 12/19/10.
Here is a movie of Brooklyn N-Trak Nature Center Show that was held this past weekend.

Christmas wish lists... and anti-wish lists
So, once again the 25th of December is just around the corner, with it's fun, family, food... and of course the presents.
What's on everyone's model railroading wish list this year?
And just to make it a bit more fun... what's the weirdest/worst thing that a well meaning friend or relative has gotten you as a "model railroading" item?
The December Train Sale
Well here it is again, December, I guess that happens every year, too bad my bosses don't seem to understand that we who have families would like a little time off during the holidays, but alas, at least I have bosses!
The train sale went off very well, when we arrived the parking lot at Dana's RR Supply in Springhill, Florida was already just about packed, we managed to get our tables set up and got our stuff out, but we didn't sell much for the entire day, I did however, spend plenty! The story of my life!
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