What do you like about trains?
OK. If you're actually reading this, you probably have more than a passing interest in trains.
But what is it about trains (model or prototype) that interests you?

Funicular Railways - More about Los Angeles Angels' Flight
In my earlier topic, "Funicular Railways - Out of Curiosity", a reply stated that Angel's Flight still existed in Los Angeles just off I-5 between San Fenando Valley and West Los Angeles. That did not sound quite right, since I had just a few months or so back looked up info on the web about it. Well, here is a little more info on it.
The railway was relocated, but only a short distance from the original spot. In relocating it, there was extensive modifications made to the original design, although the original cars retained there names: Sinai and Olivet.
Northeast Fallen Flag RPM
Attended the NEFFRPM this weekend, very nicely done for a great price which included an Italian lunch buffet. If anyone is in the NJ area next October, they should really stop by!
Brooklyn N-Track Show, September 25-26, 2010
Brooklyn N Trak held one of its shows this past weekend. Here are two items you ight be interested in viewing.
The first is a brief film and te second is a slide show.
You might notice a hobby shop is in one of the scenes. This appears on a module built one of Brooklyn N-Traks founding members. It seems he worked at that shop after he retired. Unfortunately that shop is no longer in business so don't try to find it.

2010 Northeastern Fallen Flags RPM Meet, Saturday October 2nd
Northeastern Fallen Flags RPM Meet
Saturday, October 2nd, 2010, 9AM - 6PM
The Ted Blum 4-H Center, 310 Milltown Road, Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Model trains and home appraisals...
Heres' one for you.
I am trying to get my home refinanced. The guy comes over to do the appraisal and tells the loan company that my garage is "unfinished." As a result, my loan did not go through.
Unfinished? My garage is is bewtter shape than the rest of my house. I think the idiot saw the wall down the center of the garage that the layout is attached to and thought that it was not complete. This guy was dumb. How about asking me. He asked about everything else. Frankly, I would really like to break a couple of his fingers, but that part of my life is over.

Aw, Shucks ! North Platte Rail Fest
Would've liked to have been there - oh well! Today, 19 September 2010 is the last day of the three day Rail Fest at the UP North Platte, Nebraska, yard - home of the Golden Spike Tower and the UP Bailey Yard.

White Pass & Yukon Route
A "girlfriend" of mine was on an ocean cruise of Alaska recently and, knowing I was "into" railroading, picked up a booklet and postcard for the WP&YR for me. She just gave them to me this morning, so I thought I would share it with the members. It is a very interesting booklet and beautiful postcard, but I was then prompted to visit their web site and - wow - they really have some nice narrow gauge operating picks and there is a railfan and modeling section I am wanting to share:

A Request
I would really like to be able to create RSS feeds for individual MRH blog threads (i.e. set up a feed for all comments on a particular post) and also for all comments on selected forum topics.
That would help me stay on top of items I'm really interested in, and bring me back to MRH a lot more often.
Thanks for your consideration,

30th National Narrow Gauge Convention-St. Louis
Anyone attending the Narrow Gauge Convention this week? I plan on attending at least one day of it.
Tom C.
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