Canadian Association of Railway Moddelers Convention May 20 - 23, 2011 Trains and Tulips
The National Capital Chapter of the Canadian Association of Railway Modellers will be hosting the National Convention titled Trains and Tulips on the long weekend of May 20 to 23, 2011 In Ottawa Ontario.
There will be Clinics, Prototype Tours, Layout Tours, Train Show and more.
For more info go to

New Members From The Boy Scouts Of America -The Next Generation of Model Railroaders
Today I met with A scout Master that is taking 50 members of his BSA Troup on a weekend Rail Fan Trip with 9 other Fathers. They as a group are starting a Model Railroad Boy Scout Club and are building a model Railroad in the Church Basement or a Large Basement of some kind.
Tonight they are having a meeting and because they are all new to the hobby or most any way, I gave them all the information needed to join in with US here at the MRH Forums and incouraged them to Down load all the Issues of The MRH magazine.

Hello from Germany!
Hi, I'm Stefan from nearby Cologne, Germany. I'm building a layout in U shape, N scale. Until now the ground layer is almost finished (only the tracks) and below it is an 11 tracks fiddle yard for 25 trains.
I'm running my trains with DCC using a Tams MC as central station. It's connected to my computer where I use Windigipet to control my trains. I plan to run the main line automatically and to run the branch line myself.

Easy Model Railroad Inventory - Potential Addition #3
There has been a request to add wish lists for: rolling stock, locomotives and structures. More than likely it would be three different files.
What do you think? Vote Yes or No to help plan the future development of Easy Model Railroad Inventory.

Easy Model Railroad Inventory - Potential Addition #2
There has been a request that two additional fields be added to Easy Model Railroad Inventory. Both are date fields:
Last service date – last date locomotive/car was inspected maintained – ie checked couplers, wheels, bolster, looked for broken/missing parts, oiled, lubed, etc. – details of service in existing note box
Disabled / Handicapped Model railroaders
For any disabled / Handicapped model railroaders we have started a forum for those of us afflicted at, the community is "The Challengers" . If you have any questions please feel free to contact me @ All are invited no matter what restrictions you have or even if you have none and would like to possibly help with questions we may have as to how to overcome our challenges.
Scott Sptingstead
The passing of a friend
The passing of a friend
For those of you that are from the southern New Jersey area I felt I should pass along this notice.
Passing of Bill Powell, NMRA Life Member

Easy Model Railroad Inventory Bug Fix
Version 3.1 of Easy Model Railroad Inventory is a bug fix in the library section of the program. Most of you will not have noticed but there is always one. While I was at it I added some more reports and changed others as requested.
Version 3.1 03/22/2011
Thanks for all of your support.

I want to donate some equipment- your advice?
I have decided that I want to donate my HO rolling stock, Prodigy-Advance2 system and structure kits (maybe assembled ones too) to an interested group.... maybe a project w/ a Children's Hospital, youth group, etc? I am not up to ebaying it off and on my limited pension sending stuff overseas to servicemen isn't possible. I am in the San Francisco Bay Area and am hoping someone here will know of a contact person for a group near me who could make good use of my equipment.

Easy Model Railroad Inventory Upgrade
Version 3 is now available to download for our site. Some of the changes/fixes are:
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