
About Colorado Railroads
Hi, My name is Steve, and I've been without a layout since 1992.
Since then, there's been a virtual revolution in model railroading as far as operation is concerned. Something called DCC has made my throttle pack obsolete, at least I think.
Greenberg's Train & Toy Show: NJ Expo Center
Just got the flyer for the Greenberg Show, 14-15 August 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the NJ Expo Center in Edison, NJ.
circuitron tortoise Price question
I have found a place with a 12 pack $160 delivered to my house. That seems like a very good price to. Any better?

2nd Post
I'll try this again. My first post for some reason has disappeared.(Perhaps I failed to select a specific forum the first time around?) I've left Model Railroader Magazine forum for Greener pastures. Joe used to post over there several years ago and I was one of his biggest fans. This forum seems light years ahead as far as information and new ideas are concerned. And I figured if Al Mayo hasn't been kicked off this site yet, then it's good enough for me .

EJCM Model Railroaders Club - Odessa, Missouri
Fellow hobbyist and train fans,

Where to purchase?
I recently learned of the demise of Standard Hobby Supply. That news promped me to start this thread. It is about loyalty.
As the founder (and now former-owner) of Litchfield Station, I have spent the last decade dealing with mostly online buyers, with a little walk-in traffic thrown into the mix. Frequently we heard "Can you beat xxx's price?" to "Well, it used to be less!" or "Is that the best price you can give ME?" and the oft heard "What about a club discount?"!
Posting my track "how to do it?"
I have "xtracad". I would like to post my track plan for critique. How do I do this so people can look at the plan?
Thank you for your time.
Jim L
Not Enough V&O
Someone lamented in the forum awhile back, that MRH wasn't doing enough about the V&O, of course over the years, the V&O has been well covered by the print media, especially back in the 1970's and 80's, and since that time even, Alan McClelland has rebuilt and subsequently torn it down, however, thats not the end of the story!
Just relocated to Vermont from Chicago looking for Info.
Having just moved to Northeast Vermont from CNW "Chicago" country I am looking for information on anything MRR related happening within the St. Johnsbury regin.. I was building Craftsman kits IE: FSM, SRMW, Sierra West, and have since moved to Scratch/Modified structures, Thanks hope to hear from someone Local and maybe exchange or swap for a bunch those kits "mint" that I have left I will never build.

I received an email from the Trainfest folks in Milwaukee, Wisc. This is going to be a regular video magazine to keep interested hobbyists up to date. The link for the vido mag is:
I also posted this in error to the "How do I post a picture" section. Sorry.
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