
Another death of our hobby thread/comment

Here you go.

I have read discussions on what can be done to promote the hobby of model railroading. Personally I think this is a little silly. This hobby sells itself. And what a seller it is. But....

jeffshultz's picture

Marketing Model Railroading - let's kill the "Death of the Hobby" idea

Authors edit: One of the nice things about being an admin is that I can change thread titles.... and someone made a good suggestion that I do just that. So I did.

There's another one of the "death of the hobby" discussions going on on another forum that I hang out on, and as it also discussed the dying Hobby/Train shop phenomenon and it's effect on people joining the hobby, it got me thinking a bit.

How does Model Railroading market itself? How should it be marketing itself - or how should we, as model railroaders, be marketing it?

IVRW's picture

Two Ideas for MRH Click and Spins

 I was just listening to the podcast with Joe Fugate, and I thought of two ideas for click and spins.

1) You could try and alter the click and spin technology so you would be able to take a picture of every single part of the layout and stitch them together to a large panorama picture. This would allow you to put something like a click and spin box where you could pan across the entire length of the layout, showing everybody every single inch for further inspection. Of course, this would only work for small to mid-sized layouts.

Bob Langer's picture

How do I view a private message?

Got email notification of a message. When I click the link Access Denied but I am logged in. How do I see and respond to the message.

If I remove "contact" from the URL there isn't an error but I do not see a way to see the private message.

Bob Langer's picture

Read count

Is there a way an author can see the number of readers for a blog or post. Responses may be low or zero but that may not mean no one read it.

If there isn't can one be added? Just so the author can see, not everyone.

JLandT Railroad's picture

J&L Railway Blog - Is now know as the JLandT Railway Blog...

 Hi All,

Well today at 1449 AEST the J&L Railway was expanded by one.  I'm pleased to announce the safe arrival of:   

Toby Alistair Miller.

So as the CEO of the company in consultation with the VP, and the minister for finance I am pleased to announce the renaming of the J&L to the "JL&T Railway".



Bob Langer's picture

Easy Model Railroad Inventory Upgrade

Released version 2.1 of Easy Model Roadroad Inventory. Added a new field, System Class, and some other stuff.

martindh's picture

Richfield Rail Runners back "ON TRACK"

February 17th, 2011 we will be moving into our new location in Bloomington, Mn.

The new headquarters will have a crew lounge for watching DVD's & videos, workshop area for individuals to work on their projects, car and locomotive maintainence bench, and 25x17 layout room with air conditioning and heat :))  lighting in the ceiling and the walls have already been painted. The floor has been painted a medium gray too.  

First things First;

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