
Prepare for another jump in prices....
Let me start by saying that I don't want to start a flame war here - but I thought that this topic, since it will likely affect us all, is worthy of discussion here as well.

Append to existing blog
I have a blog started a number of days ago and would like to append to it. I started as a reply but saw that I was not able to save the document until I wanted to publish it. IE, there wasn't a Make this post private check box.
Can I append to my existing blog entries without replying?
Or should I just start another blog entry though the subject is the same?

RIP, Richard Steinheimer
Richard Steinheimer, well-known railroad photographer, especially of the steam to diesel transition era, has passed away.
Obit. in L.A. Times, 22 May 2011:,0,1878831.story
Receiving E-Mail Replies to Forum Topics of Interest
Is there a way to have replies to topics to which I've contributed or have an interest E-mailed to me similar to the feature on the MR forums? This would save having to go back to check for new additions on older forum topics in which I have an interest. This feature on the MR forum can be turn off when you no longer want to receive updates to the specific topic.

New editor for posting - how do we upload an image to appear in a post?
I can't figure out how to insert an image into a posting with the new editor. Please advise.

Richfield RailRunners
Hello All, Our 5th week of work and we ave about a 3rd of the layout up. Last week we built a 3 turn helix using spline roadbed. It looks GREAT and the trains move up and down perfectly. This week we are going to put electrical drops in and continue laying track.

Done but with errors on page.
Think every page of the MRH forum has the above message in the status bar. If the message is not there there is an exclamation icon with the the Done.
The Windows IE 8 progress does complete and the window appears to be correct but I was just wondering...

DCC Installed - White Rose Hobby
Anyone know if something is wrong at White Rose Hobby - DCC Installed? Placed an order a month ago. Still shows procesing in my account history. I sent messages and called but no email replies, no answer phone, nothing for 3 weeks after repeated attempts to contact them.

Easy Model Railroad Inventory Upgrade
A new version of Easy Model Railroad Inventory has been released. I believe this release has a number of additions that have been requested.

Railways of America Museum contents up for auction
If anyone has ever visited Railways of America Museum in Cuyahoga Falls OH they know it was an immense O gauge layout. At one time billed as the largest model train layout in the world. It is going to auction this coming Saturday.
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