
Manns Creek Narrow Gauge in On3
Welcome to my first entry for what will be the blog on my new Manns Creek Railway in On3. I started build in On30 a little more than 10 years ago as a diversion from working in HO scale. At the time I had built a fictional railroad in HO scale called the Roanoke and Southern, which was featured in the May 2010 issue of MR. by the time my article was published is was firmly hooked on O scale narrow gauge. Although if first started constructing models in On30 (O scale models with 30" track gauge) I soon widened the gauge out to On3 (O scale models w

Fantastic Steel (and layout) Video
Sure gives folks an idea of how the USA produced all that steel that was needed to build that huge amount of war material and vehicles needed for WWll ,...and not just against one enemy, but 2 enemies spread across the world. WOW !!
(this video is really well done)

What's on your workbench? April 2020
It's a new month and a new thread to share your workbench progress! Inspire others to move a proiect forward.
Eric Hansmann
Editor-at-Large, Model Railroad Hobbyist
Follow along with my railroad modeling:

CNW Marshline Update: Yes I'm still alive, I've been doing room prep!
Hey Everyone,
I've been away for a while. Work, life and indecision have left me not making much progress on the model railroad. Lots of things just popping up preventing me from getting to the workbench or just working on the railroad. I just couldn't get moving on my modeling. So I took a small break...
Compact Work Stations / tray modelling / and Temporary set ups.
Thought i would start a discussion on compact work stations.
As we all begin to spend more time inside im faced with the fact that my office / modiling station is now being used for my partners study as classes and lectures have moved online and my other possible work site is now my work station as i hav transition to working from home.
This leaves me with the lack of a worksite / workbench.
Im thinking this weekend will be making a Tv work station / tray like an onld Tea tray to continue some form of modeling through the coming weeks.

What A Great Time to Have a Model RR.
At 74 and most of my friends past 65 and with CV19 and now State of La is gone on shut down. Great to have the RR. Always have some thing to do and share. Video of the group last Friday's Club meeting 10:30 until 4PM .

How Stock Market Crashes Might Affect Future Model Train Purchases, (warning, evolved into many virus discussions)
We've seen some pretty radical downgrades in the stock market these past few days.
Just wondering how it might effect our hobby buying habits, etc
I tried to keep the conversation focused on how the stock market might affect out model train hobby,...but of course we have the flu situation that is driving the market, so lots of flu discussions.
Give me your opinion of work in progress
This the work of a old man, trying to stay in the hobby. Positive comments are appreciated .Will post more if there is interest
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