
What's on your workbench? March 2020
It might not look like much, in fact it may look a little odd, but this will be the first locomotive I've installed ditch lights on. Here the SMD LED's are fished through the shell, and they've been wired to the DecoderBuddy (one of the very early ones).
The ditch light mounts are Details West DL-229 parts, currently having the canopy glue holding the lenses in drying.
SP Here SP There SP SP Everywhere 2
I got the fever and the only prescription is more SP~!
How and where to sell used equipment?
Time and health has caught up with me, three surgeries this year, so it's time to pack it up.
SP Here, SP There, SP SP Everywhere Part 1
You can guess what this one is about...

12’ x 2’ HO Switching Layout
Just finished laying track on my 12’ x 2’ switching layout and getting ready to wire, weather and ballast the track. Had to add an 8” section of track to cross the joint of the two 6’ modules and move the switch further forward. Atlas #6 turnouts used for the entire layout. I also decided to stretch the top industry track to the end on both sides of the modules. I used two window latches to join the two sections, which worked out better than expected. It will be part of a larger layout in the future.

TCS - Not responding to email?
I am posting here because I can't get a response from TCS via email. Perhaps shaming them on MRH will prompt a response. I purchased a WiThrottle in October 2019 at the NMRA-MER convention in King of Prussia, PA. I knew then the throttle didn't exist as a saleable product at the time and would be shipper later in the year.

Linking to an individual posting....Problem
I've been having problems linking to an individual posting lately. Yes I do know how to do it, and have done it on numerous occasions.
But I've experienced problems a number of times lately,..the most recent this morning. I tried it 3-4 times on the same posting, but when I click on the title of the individual posting, it takes me to the original title of the subject thread, rather than the title of the individual reply I am trying to link to ??
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