
Visiting the Sipping & Switching Society @ Raleigh, NC (video links added)
As a modular model railroader, I've met a variety of model railroad groups over the years. Some groups are very open and friendly while others aren't. Just the nature of human interaction, I believe.
Anyone using webcams in the train room?
After recommending that Rob in Texas consider adding a webcam to the club I began to think about doing the same. There are a lot of inexpensive video monitors that are either usb or wireless connected but few talk about compatibility with apps like Skype.
Is anyone using a webcam to share or monitor the layout?
Does the pan & tilt feature work as advertised?
What would you chose to allow an interactive experience as Skype provides?
Email to individual
Is there a way to private email and individual that is on the forum or blog? I want to communicate with someone but do not want tie up the forum. Also sometimes one may have questions/discussion not for public or comment. I do not mean anything our of bounds just things the general public may not be interested in.
Thank you
Clubs or Groups in Minnesota
Hi there,
I live in Minnesota (Minneapolis) and have been modeling for over 30 years and would like to know if there are any active groups in Minnesota that are accepting new members, have a layout, need work done, operating sessions etc.? I've looked around the web and have found some sites, but they all look like they are many years old and when I contact the moderator I never hear back.
Any good Minnesotan's out there that know any? I model the Milwaukee Road in the 60's - 70's.
Like Rick Wade, I am moving on.
Like Rick did a few weeks ago, this Friday at 4:30 PM I will officially be unemployed. Its been an incredible 22 years at my current post but I am looking forward to retirement. As part of that, my wife and I will be moving from here in Florida to Western Michigan. Yes I know thats backwards, but we have our reasons.
I have my layout all planned out and ready to go and will begin building it from the ground up once we get settled into our new place.
I hope to keep a running photographic account of the various phases of construction.
stay tuned.

Dry transfers instead of decals over existing paint job?
This is somewhat of a continuation question from a previous one about decal application.
For an existing, finished paint job, are you better off applying dry transfers instead of (waterslide) decals?
I ask this based on decals needing a glossy surface and that decals will be glossy and show edges when applied. I've never done dry transfers, but I figured they'd be a better application on a paint job you don't plan to touch ever again.
Trains & Cycling
I've noticed a few posts from those who seem to enjoy cycling and trains. Having returned from the regular group ride with the "boys" I wondered how many of us share this passion as well.
As an introduction, I commute to work on my bicycle a distance of 17 miles 3-4 times a week. My rides are recorded on a site called Strava where friends share their rides in a community forum not unlike MRH.

Checking in
Checking in from Belleview Florida. This is my first chance to get online, still no power. Unable to do any modeling, but by plugging in my laptap to the generator I was able to watch Mike Confalone videos. Life is slowly starting to return to normal even though Duke says they wont have our power on til Sunday.

Another hobby shop closes
A hobby shop I used to visit after going to a train show in Hamburg, New York has closed it's doors. Sad to see it go. BTW anybody have $85,000 for the caboose that sits in front of the store?
Murray River Bridge new layout construction day 14.5 Laying the staging yard.
Hi All
so I laid the staging yard, it's first time I Had used exclusively PECO code 83 track, must say it's very easy to bend to shape and retains the curve to the point that I didn't need to use map pins to hold the track in place while the glue dried.
check out the video.
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