
We Are Moving Too...sigh
I mentioned in an earlier post that my father-in-law had died a few months back. My wife has been spending a lot of time with her mom helping her clean up and sort things out and the 2 of them and I agreed that she needs to move in with us. Which means we need a bigger place. So we are moving again.
Good thing about it is I should be able to end up with a dedicated train room. So we know how much we can spend and how big of a place we need. Packing begins tomorrow and with any luck we will sell this place quick. The size is much in demand, so keeping our fingers crossed.

What happened to Rob Paisley's wonderful website?
It was located at: but no longer works!
Rob had accumulated a treasure trove of electronic circuits most of which were inclined towards model railroading applications. Those like me who had seen and/or built his circuits would realize what a tremendous resource it was.
Does anyone has an idea what happened to it and is there a possibility of it coming back online? Really hate to see it go...
Joy (Kuwait)

Frank Gehry to design museum for model trains
From the Sunday NY Times: Frank Gehry to design Museum for Architectural Gems (and Model Trains)

Being a model railroader, friends send me humorous stuff all the time...
Unfortunately, their humor isn't quite fit for these pages... so, I'll share a couple of Far Side comic I ran across (and nearly forgot about) while looking for something completely unrelated!
Berlin and Munich - Model railroad shops or sights
I am headed to Berlin and Munich shortly on business, with transit stops in Frankfurt and possibly a day trip to Salzburg. Are there retail model railroad shops or sights that should not be missed? I am familiar with Miniatur Wonderland and cannot go there on this trip, just Berlin and Munich city centers, possibly Salzburg. Thanks.

Confessions of a Model Railroad Hobbyist...
So, I have a confession (and an excuse... I'm still kinda new) but... I have never bought, or put together a craftsman kit.
I'm interested... but never have.
(I do want to find an "Oscar and Piker" set, and put them together... does that count?)
So what are your confessions? What's your dirty little secret as a Hobbyist? What have you done, or not done that you want to someday rectify? (or maybe never want to do?)
This could be fun, and it could give folks some good ideas!
Trainmasters TV Site is DOWN - UPDATE: BACK UP!
Trainmasters TV Site is DOWN, anybody else seeing this error message.
I hope the free access has not overwhelmed the SQL server
sure there's a need for new dockside loco with all bells and whistles but who's going to spend $4,000 for it? The price of the hobby has just gotten --------------------.

One for the Lionel Guys
I came across this add in a copy of Railroad Magazine--1953--...older than me....ha ha
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