
BR GP30 2300's picture

NMRA convention 2017 Orlando FL

This convention in my opinion was a total waste of time and money, I'll tell you why in later posts.

Jazzbass's picture


Does anyone know if the owners of CityClassics (Jim and Cyndi Sacco) are ok? Their web page cart is disabled, most of the product links from their site don't work and they mention dealing with some health issues. Nearly all their products are back ordered on Walthers and Hobbylinc. I certainly hope they are doing well. They are such an asset to our hobby. Does anyone know?



Warflight's picture

Forum issues...

Okay, so... I can't comment!

I log into this forum, and it will let me blog, sure... but if I try to comment on any thread, it logs me out, and tells me I have to log in to make a comment (deleting whatever comment I've typed)

Also, if I go to another page, it does the same thing. So, say I'm reading a new message, and there are more new messages on the next page, when I go, I'm logged out again.

I have no idea how to fix this!

How do trains stay on the rails in a curved section of track?

I found this in a Popular Mechanics article that I happened upon on the Internet.

If you search YouTube for stable rollers you can get to the video directly again.

I found it very interesting indeed.  For me, "Goes to show that you don't know what you don't know!"


Bill Brillinger's picture

2017 Road Trip, Day 5 & Day 6 - Heading Home

July 15 & 16, day 5 & 6 of our Road Trip.

Heading Home...

This is the last post in this series, thanks for following along!!

Not much Railroady was expected here, but there were some cool surprises...

(As usual, photos in the first comment!)

Here are links to the posts from our 2017 AML Road Trip:

Bill Brillinger's picture

2017 Road Trip, Day 5, Stop 1 - Joe Atkinson and the IAIS Subdivision 4, West End *and* using the Proto Throttle

July 16, day 5 of our Road Trip.

First Stop:  Joe Atkinson and the IAIS Subdivision 4, West End (Visit Joe's BLOG on MRH)

Today was the last Model Railroad stop on our road trip. We met up with Joe Atkinson in Council Bluffs Iowa. Joe models the IAIS in and around Council Bluffs.

Members Wanted--First Coast Model Railroad Society

To All: The First Coast Model Railroad Society (a non profit corporation ,501c) is looking for new members. We have an HO scale layout being built and an HOn3 layout that is complete. The members should live in the Greater Jacksonville, Florida area for your convenience in accessing the club. Monthly dues are $25.00, which gives you a key to the club building, running rights and use of your modeling skills. The HOn3 layout is modular and you may build one if you wish. The HO scale layout is approx. 12 feet by 50 feet and is a two level layout.

Home brew photo etch?

Has anyone on this forum had any success,or failure doing their own photo etching? I'm thinking about experimenting with this process as my wife just bought a UV light for her nail polish...

I'm thinking about an easy project like making my own roof walks and end platforms in 1/29 scale.

This video is what got me thinking about it.

Bill Brillinger's picture

2017 Road Trip, Day 4, Stop 2 - Ted & Penny Smith and their Freelance Soo Line & SP

July 15, day 4 of our Road Trip.

Second Stop: Ted & Penny Smith, Iowa City, IA.

On our way home from the barbecue we stopped to meet Ted and Penny Smith in Iowa City.

They have an elaborate Basement Empire inspired by memories of places they've been and people they know.

Bill Brillinger's picture

2017 Road Trip, Day 4, Stop 1 - The "A ModelersLife Podcast" BBQ in Rochelle IL

July 15, day 4 of our Road Trip.

First Stop: AML BBQ in Rochelle IL (Check out the AML PodCast on FaceBook and at

This is it Folks, The Main Reason for the Trip, Today is the Day!

I'm a regular listener of Lionel Strang's AML podcast, and an active participant on the AML Podcast facebook page. I feel like I've gotten to know many of these people already and the opportunity to meet some of them in person was too hard for me to resist.

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