
Thank you Joe Fugate
Thank you Joe for allowing us to upload photos of our models and layouts to this forum. It seems Photobucket just broke the internet with their new policy. People who had free accounts with photos linked to forums are the ones affected. Now instead of the image being displayed, there is a user message from Photobucket.

Digitrax Sound Question
So, I have two 16 bit Digitrax sound decoders (SDXH166D) and of course the Digitrax PR3XTRA...

Weekly Photo Fun June 23rd through June 6/29/17
Post them if you've got them!
HO Seeker site
Still cannot share links. Users getting Permission Denied.
I emailed the administrator three times and no response. About seven years ago I sent him scans and did a couple messages but nothing now. I just tried to share in another forum.
Anyone know if he is just protecting his site which I doubt or maybe it is a software issue.

Heat setting Walthers Goo
Hi All,
A question I have ........on a brand new pkg of Walthers Goo it states Temp. range -40 to 250* Heat cured up to 400* .
Is this similar to Pliobond in which it can be heat set?
12 or 24 volts for LED layout lighting?
As more of us change over or start lighting for our layouts LEDs are becoming a go to. I'm writing these questions not only for me but for the general modeling population. I'm sure there are a lot more questions and answers left. It might even be time to start a topic!?!
Teenagers & the Problem with Model Railroading
It's a problem that I never had, at least nothing like it is today. When I first got into HO the nearest little hobby shop was full line, even though it was in a city with a population of only 25,000. Now I live in a city in excess of 200,000 souls but the only hobby shop has just a couple of aisles of model railroad items, mostly scenery, 1 or 2 locomotives and no power packs except those sold as part of the toy train sets for children.

Weekly Photo Fun - 5/28 through 6/3/2017
Here's a blast from the past - my Richlawn Railroad version 1.
Moderator note: Corrected the dates; Weekly photo fun always runs from Sunday to Saturday - the "natural" calendar week.

Blackening Phosphor Bronze wire
Do any of you here have any experience with blackening phosphor bronze wire?
I have some that I need to do this to for a project I'm working on.

Poughkeepsie NY area - looking for information
Heading to Poughkeepsie/Hyde Park for graduation at the CIA. Other then railfanning the mains by the Metro North passenger station - and walking the High Bridge (weather permitting) - what railfanning or model railroad options should i know about?
Thanks in advance!
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