Caboose (Hobbies) grand re-opening
Pleased to report back on the grand reopening of Caboose Hobbies, now known as simply Caboose.
For any of you who are familiar with the old location, the new location DEFINITELY has solved the parking issue! The building also feels much more well laid out and better lit than the old location. Plus, two easy to find bathrooms compared to just the one in the old location.

Toronto Railway Prototype Modellers meet
I am hoping I am not double posting something, somebody has already. But this news crossed the desk just a few minutes ago.

Asking yourself a Difficult Question
Last night while doing house hold chores the question popped in to my restless mind, "if you didn't have any MR equipment at all, but knew everything you do about trains and MRing, what would you get?" My answer was narrow gauge of course without a doubt.
That was a stunner. Then upon reflection it shouldn't be. I will pick up a copy of the Gazette to read before any other. When looking through any MR magazine I will look at a NG article before the rest. I have a bit of HOn3 and 2 non running On30 locos. Lots of standard guage HO.
BN Snow Dozer Scratch build
About 4 years ago I started my first major scratch building rolling stock project. Four years later, I'm still not done, but I'm making faster progress than before. A little background in the model, and the prototype to follow in the next post to keep this one on the short side. I have been in large scale 1/29 scale, G Guage for some 15 plus years, but I never really got serious about the scratchbuilding rolling stock (I have a huge scratch built feed mill I'm working on too; 7'x 6'x 4') until this project.

SAMRA Train Show, January 2017
The San Antonio Model Railroad Association (SAMRA) recently held their 41st Annual Train Show in San Antonio, TX. Before it got too crowded on Sunday morning, I was able to take a few videos of some of the club layouts that were at the show. There is a large HO layout that has a really great looking refinery scene, then an O-scale layout that has a great circus with lots of music, and lastly, the N-scale layout with dinosaurs in the stock yard at their meat packing plant.
John Canfield Tribute
To All: Recently deceased John Canfield produce limited run Early Rail HO scale car kits under his Virginia Car & Foundry banner. I bought two of his Bobber Cabooses. I painted one in the DL&W RR color scheme and one in my road color scheme. Though I never meet him, I appreciated his sense of humor and his fine craftsman kits. I bought most of his kits.
Track advise
I have been gone about 4 years, time is allowing me another opertunity to return. My question is, please dont flame me, can I hand lay Code 55 for my entire HO layout? The layout in my mind is going to be a switching layout very similier to small town graineries, or a solid papermill, Are the wheel on todays models suitable for code 55, Iv got aver 90 feet of ME rail and several handmade switches that I made a while back
Big Horn Sub Design/Build
With my layout build well underway, there should be adequate material to make a periodic blog post about progress on the Big Horn Sub. This post is intended to provide some background on my modeling experiences and what led me to the Big Horn build.

My Day at the Seattle (Puyallup), Washington WGH show
A couple of weeks ago my father-in-law asked if I wanted to drive up to Puyallup, WA (a little over 3 hours away) for the WGH show. It had been talked up a bit in the latest email blast from the NMRA's Pacific NW Region, and he thought that Digitrax was going to be there, and he had a question for them. Unfortunately, Digitrax was not there (I imagine they were prepping for the Railroad Hobby Show in Springfield, MA) so he is going to have to contact them separately (if anyone knows if there are any issues with using LiON 9V batterys in UT4R throttles, please mention it...).
WGH Seattle: NMRA not present?
Looking through the list of vendors and displays at this weekend's World's Greatest Hobby event in the Tacoma-Seattle area, there's one glaring no-show: the NMRA.
Perhaps I'm missing something. Unless the NMRA's presence is tied together with the WGH exhibit? Could that be the case? I hope so.
Otherwise, it does the NMRA no good to bleat about membership, but not attend a WGH event. Missed opportunity, as I see it. I don't recall seeing anything from my local NMRA about volunteering at a booth.
Any insights?
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