
Weekly Photo Fun - 3/31 through 4/6/17
It's that time again! Post them if you've got them!
F7 #611 is headed around the base of Misti Mountain on it's way to Klemptner Bros. Salvage Yard.

Log in
Does anyone else here have a log-in issue?
For the past two weeks when I enter my password a little box appears that says "this connection is not secure, you account can be compromised"
Source for slide glass?
I know a few modelers have used microscope slide glass to replicate glass in structures and on locomotives.I would like to use slide glass on my Snow Dozer build but I've never used the stuff before My questions are;
Where do you find it?
Are there different thicknesses available?
How do you cut it?
What sizes are available?
Modelers in SE Mass/Upper Cape
Just wondering if there are any N-Scale modelers in the SE Mass / Cape Cod area??

Interview on my railroad modeling activities
Under the German title 'Virtuelle Eisenbahnwelten' (virtual railroad worlds), the online campus magazine of TU Braunschweig, which is the University of Technology at Braunschweig, Germany, published an interview on my modeling activities. Several pictures I posted on MRH either in the blog or in the forum were used as illustrations. The text is in German but, as readers of another forum confirmed, can easily be translated online using the Google translation tool.

The Diesel Detailer
For those of you that followed The Diesel Detailer forum, and the Facebook page.
The founder Buck Besson, otherwise known as Old Uncle Buck......aka Randy Earl passed away last night at 10:30pm.
Just thought I would share this.

Neon fun
This hobby has a lot of facets. One I enjoy is the graphic design aspect with all the varied railroad heralds, paint schemes, and assorted signage – even graffiti.
The railroad I model, the Iowa Interstate, has a retro look in that they use the old Rock Island herald shape with spiffy colors of black, red, and yellow. I looked into what it would cost to have a custom neon sign made and discovered it wouldn’t be that expensive. So, I had one made and today I mounted it in the layout room above one of my work areas:

MTM: Michael Paul Smith | Common Ground
I recognize that I am nobody. My art is created to suit me, my hobby, life. In fact one of the most, ridiculous things I ever heard was, you need to take a break from the Hobby. A hobby is often the only legal self-medicating procedure this world has. And I partake with fervor, so does my new friend.
Well I ask Michael Paul Smith to have a chat about what drives his hobby. And what do you know, we found Common Ground.
You can view more of Michaels work here at

No-Rail layout
A few photo's of a small No-Rail layout I`m building.
A frame made of 1/2" birch plywood and 2" pink foam.
Getting a rough idea as to what goes where.
Cut the first layer of foam by using a template that I made out of masking paper.
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