
Looking for tips for first event
My club will be doing a show in late February (week after our science fair most likely which is the 21st) and I am looking for some tips on what you think would be a good way for me to go about with this. We will need vendors and some layouts but I am looking for help on how people think I should get them and plan. Some plans I do have include:
Get adult help of course
Make a table layout (in each room) plan in Sketch Up/Drawn
Find out who will need power/extension cord

A visit to the Splitrock Mining Co.
This weekend, my wife and I made the trek to Minneapolis to visit Tom Gasior and his Splitrock Mining Co. layout. Tom and his wife were great hosts and it was a joy to get to know them a bit.
Of course, the highlight of the visit was operating on Toms splendid layout.
Check out the Splitrock online: FACEBOOK & MRH BLOG
- Bill
Walther's 90 foot turntable
I have just finished building a Walther's 90 foot turntable kit that I have had for years. See photo. It looks great and rotates reasonably well, but the power to the rails is iffy. I have taken it apart several times to clean the contacts and tighten the arms that rub against the shaft to transfer power. I also bent the contacting metal into a V to avoid interference with the separating washer, but it still gets intermittent power.
Need help determining value of atlas rs-3 locomotive - 4200
I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on the value of this locomotive. I can't seem to find anything that matches. It is an Atlas RS-3 Locomotive, 4200, undecorated. Road number 2150. Thanks! -- Dave

PDC (Precision Design Company Easter Egg)
Well I was looking at the instructions for extreme load number three and noticed a little bit of humor.
Look at the end of step 5
It really does look like one though..

If you thought T Scale (1:450) was small check out TY Scale (1:900)
I was just browsing around looking for some interesting railroad things and found this noteworthy one. I am not sure how many people have heard of TY scale (I am sure most have heard of T) but it is small following I will have photos comparing T and TY scale sadly none of them together but they will give you the idea of size.
The largest of these is 4"x7"

John Allen Time Saver Puzzle In Lego
I seem to be good at finding interesting Lego items and here is another. This is a Microscale Lego Timesaver Puzzle based on John Allen's Design.
An image--

My first Scenery Attempts
Here are some more photos of the scenery for my club layout. This is all in an 18" by 6" scene with backdrops by backdrop junction. This is still the example module I showed awhile ago but more views.
My personal favorite done with flash on an iPhone
One done the same way

My Trip To Kalmbach Publishing
This happened a while ago now but thought it would be interesting to show here. In early June I went to the Model Railroader magazine HQ. Below are some photos of what I saw (and who I met). Overall I met: Alex from Trains Magazine, and Model Railroader: Neil, Cody, Steve and David. (Sorry don't have all last names sorry)
I was able to see all past layouts except the Seaboard Short Line which I was told was sold to a collector.
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