
Tuesday, Day 3, Daylight 2015 NMRA National Convention
Day 3... I've rediscovered that nobody comes to a convention in order to get enough sleep.
Silent Auction is fully up and running after a rough (computer generated) start. Lots of items there, and happily it appears that most of my items now have bids on them. I've got a few out as well... the question being, will I make more than I spend?

Monday, Day 2, Daylight Express 2015 NMRA National Convention
Day 2 started early for me - I was down at 6:00am to finish off those last 3 Win10 upgrades. We ran into a few technical issues, such as the aforementioned PowerPoint size issue (PowerPoint Mobile also appreciates an Internet connection....). There was also one clinician that had a laptop where he had to pop the back cover and reseat the hard drive before it would boot...
But the Contest Room opened today, so I've been wandering over there every so often:

Sunday, Day 1, Daylight Express 2015 NMRA National Convention.
Welcome to my blog of the 2015 NMRA National Convention, the "Portland Daylight Express"
Sunday is actually Day 2 for me, as I am the Clinic AV volunteer for the convention, and we spent yesterday setting up computers and projectors for the clinics. The Pacific Northwest Region graciously gave us a budget to buy new computers, so we have six nice lightweight HP "Stream Notebooks" - admittedly not powerhouses, but capable of running PowerPoint and Adobe Reader, which is all they should be used for.

An Invitation to Some Fun Clinics on Animation and Protoypes Cranes
I would like to extend a personal invitation to all interested modelers to my 4 presentations/clinics at the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) Convention being held in Portland, Oregon on Tues Aug 25 and repeated Thursday Aug 27 ( on Scale Model Animation and prototype railroad cranes.

Glass Insulators: how do you model them, and can you improve it?
Sorry, it's been a long time since I've posted anything. I wanted to make this post because I've recently become a glass insulator collector, and eventually I realized that I might be able to lend some food-for-thought here. See, most people just have simple poles without wires if they even bother with the poles, and they all look identical, full racks of insulators, maybe not even colored like insulators. I saw a article in a MRR magazine by Pelle Søeborg on trackside telegraph poles.
Lights & Animation
To All: Today I present a decision many of us model railroaders face, namely, do I install lights and animation to my
layout? I will phrase the question like this--Pros and Cons. Pros-1) Lights sure look great for night scenes
in buildings and strret lights 2) Animation is a great conversation subject, such as a working coal dumper.
Railroad Art on Buildings
To All: Here is a recent photo of an art piece (in this case a photo) I took recently on the side of a building (I believe it is the Senior Center) in Manton, Michigan. Please post any photos you have of railroad art on the side of buildings. Yours, Elvin Howland/E. St. Louis Rail group Layout

Any Time is Train Time!
I love this sign posted at a real grade crossing on a real railroad in Saskatchewan...
Any Time is Train Time!
Photo by Jason Paul Sailer, Taken along the Stewart Southern line in SK. - Reposted with permission.
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