January 2021 Running Extra Adaptive Format Issue
I have received my notice for the January 2021 Running Extra issue, but the only link is for the Wide version. Has the adaptive format been dropped?

MG Chemicals Alcohol Wipes for cleanup
In Joe's publication, "MRH-Acrylic-painting-guide-post-Floquil", he mentioned that he used MG Chemicals Alcohol wipes for cleaning paint bottle tops and caps among other things. With the pandemic, these disappeared and have not re-appeared.
Does anyone found a good substitute? I've spent quite a bit of time looking for something similar, but have not found anything.

Backing Up Your Blog Posts
Watching the MRH site update last night, not being able to post, or even access the website for a while, made me wonder if I should be backing up my blog posts somehow.
A back-up of all of my photos exists at home, but none of the text.
I frequently go back to my own blogs and topic posts to remember how I completed a given task if I have been away from modeling for a few weeks or months, and need to do it again.
In the future, if I start a new model railroad, I'm going to want that information again also.
custom paint job
I need a costume paint job on a UP GP-38 # 2033. I have photos of the GP38 #2033 There only two (2) photos

MRH Garage Design Contest?
Did I miss the announcement on the winners of the layout design contest in the single or double garage? I thought it was a good idea and I also had submitted an entry.

Problem with Media
If I upload a jpg media item to a thread and size it at 750 width when the actual is 1600, if you hover over the item in the completed post, you can select it with the hand symbol and if clicked will open in larger size and the icon will show a "+" sign and can magnify it even more.
If I select an image from the library of images, size it to 750 width when actual is 1600, if you hover over the item, the cursor remains an arrow and it will not allow the select or magnification.
Am I doing something wrong, or is this just how the site works???
Resistance soldering
Hello Train People,
I have a question about resistance soldering.
1. How to build an inexpensive unit.
2. How to set it up and do the actual soldering.
I have looked at quite a few videos but the information for Canadians is some what lacking. ( E: electrical parts etc.)
Looking forward to your answers. Thanx Steve
Changing Major Directions from my Current Layout to a New One
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I started a blog in 2017 to document the creation of my Z scale Alpine layout (all Marklin locos and rolling stock with mixed products for just about everything else). You can see my posts at the end of this page.
I went with Z scale because I wanted to make the most of a layout in a limited space and I had bought some Marklin Z rolling stock, locos and track many years ago for "the day" I would start a layout.

Adding pictures
I seem to have trouble adding a picture to my post about cabooses. There doesn't seem to be any editing options for adding a photo.

MRH website (lack of) security
Hi, this is something that has been somewhat bothering me for a while. Whereas best practices tells us that we should use different passwords for different websites, I'm making sure to use a different password for the MRH website because, well, it's not a secure website. I'm not sure about the details on your hosting, but it'd be nice to add encryption and know that you can login and be sure that none sneaking on your network is going to see your password out in the open.
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