
Easy Model Railroad Inventory upgrade is available
Version 6.4 3/20/2013
1. Added "Assigned to Train" flag to rolling stock & loco report designer.
2. Added "Assigned to Train" flag to rolling stock & loco as report designer query option.
3. Adjusted "Available" check box relative to "Print Car Card" check box to avoid overlap.
4. Added a Report Designer/Query Designer option to the Schedule group.
5. Removed the status field from the Timetable file.

Post Signatures with Website Links
I've noticed a number of y'all have links to your personal MR website in your signatures. Have this caused a big increase of spam to your website as a result of website crawlers mining information from the MRH forum?
I'd like to add mine, but thought I'd get a consensus from those already doing this before committing mine.
Thanks in advance for any comments.

Bummer and now I'm worried
Just returned form the largest Hobby store in the extended area - Colonial Photo and Hobby in Orlando.
I took a roll of film to drop off (Yes, Joe, the photos your requested are now in for processing, I REALLY hope they turn out). and a list of items to pick up. Now I will admit that a couple of the item were long shots, but a bottle of stain here I had purchased my last bottle? And no specific color.
Backup your files
Started up the laptop tonight and it is making a terrible racket. This laptop has 100 gigs of photo files and almost as much in videos. Perhaps most of the files have already been backed up but I'm not sure. I have another external HD with 75 gigs free. Just went through and deleted 25 gigs of unnecessary files so I have enough room to backup the recent old west photos. Still worried about the video files. It might not be a big deal as I think its the cooling fan,
Anyway, If you haven't backed up your files, No time like the present!
Rob Teed
LansingModel Railroad Club open house tomorrow Sept 28 2014
Lansing Model Railroad Club had an open house last weekend. Turnout was great and everyone had a fun time.
Here is a video of the layout. We meet Thursday nights so if you find yourself in the Lansing,Mi area stop in and take a look around.
We are having another open house on Sat 9-28-2014

3D Scan to 3D print
New method of making models for the..........I'll leave that one open to your thought's.

Video on how to consist loco's with a NCE DCC system.
For none mobile users
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