
Easy Model Railroad Inventory Upgraded
Version 6.3 of Easy Model Railroad Inventory has been released. Mostly cosmetic changes. See the history page for more information.
Download page is here. Please click the Like button for me while you are there.

Posting using Samsung Gallaxy Note 10.1
A week ago it was difficult to enter a post. As I entered a character the line would move done. It got to the point the text would be behind the virtual keyboard.
There has been an upgrade of the operating system. The result is it is now impossible to enter a post. The focus will move to the top of the page. The text field cannot be seen at all.
I am using my laptop to enter this post just in case someone is thinking, "How did he enter this..."
newbie ? dc or dcc.
I'm just starting to plan my 4'x8' layout 1 maybe 2 lines with possibly 3 sideings. Main purpose is to showcase some of my scale model collection trains as scale models have only recently been considered. Any advise ?
I just joined the magazine and forum. Thanks for this site! I've been modeling for several decades, mostly in HO but went back to my 3 rail O gauge roots about 4 years ago. Recently retired. My wife and two cats keep me busy and in-line or try to! I'll try to post some link to some photos so you'll know the nut you are now dealing with. Thanks.

Eastern Jackson County Mainliners Model Railroad Club Train Show and Swap Meet
Eastern Jackson County Mainliner Model Railroad Club Train Show and Swap
Saturday, April 27, 2013, 10 am-4 pm
Admission Fees:
- Adults $4.00*
- Children 12 and under are free

Communications in the Hobby
The Lone Star DIV. of NMRA has stop hard copy printing of Marker Lamp and will publish its first electronic full color issue this quarter. I received notification the NMRA will start an electronic supplement to its magazine in the near future. Many of the divisions though out the NMRA have gone to electronic publications. Again thanks to Joe for setting the path for now many others to follow. The more the merrier.

This is a lazer kit for holding your cell phone to be used a camera car on railroad. Picked this up on West Island Model RR Club Site. I do not know who makes the kit.

Unable to post / reply without runon. Cannot enter separate lines
This is being written with "Messaging Plain Text". With this and "Full HTML" I cannot use my enter key to start a new line. Now I switched to "Full HTML" and the same happens. I am accessing through Internet Explorer 10 in Windows 8. Any one else have this problem and / or a fix? Thanks John

I cannot find a recent post
About half an hour ago I made a reply to a post (A-Track software), now I cannot find the post and/or my reply ???
Did have to log in again after replying, perhaps that has something to do with it ?
cheers, Leo
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