
Pictures of interior lighting wiring
I want to add interior and exterior lighting to a much of my urban layout. Over the last 6 months or more I have purchased a number of types of light bulbs; Model Power peel and stick, LED, grain of rice, and fiber optic.

Any MRH members in the Naples Florida area?
I will be there next week for the entire week (12/8-15). Thought it would be a nice opportunity to meet anyone with common interests.
EDIT: Hmm... didn't include my usual tag line...
Milt Spanton
etc, etc about Missabe
Free-moN: At Home and On The Road
As it seems my Free-moN modules have now become my "home layout", thought I'd start a new thread featuring the whole kit-n-keboodle rather than individual modules.
'Twas a busy weekend: on Saturday I set up all my modules in my garage to 1) troubleshoot, 2) see it if fit in my garage (a "California Basement") and 3) run trains!
Only took about a kabillion hours to get everything going, but once it did...!
A video:

What Did I Miss?
I'm in the process of designing my layout. Along with that, I am creating a website with the intent of teaching others how to begin the process of designing and building a layout. Some of you have already clicked on the links in my signature, and thank you.
I've just put up the level two page for layout design. This is the page that connects to all the pages that will describe the topics in detail. As such, this page doesn't contain any detail, just very brief descriptions of each topic.
ESt.LRG Operators
To All: I am seeking operators for my E.St.Louis Rail Group Layout who live in the Jacksonville, Florida area. Contact me here or at Yours, Elvin Howland/E.St.Louis Rail Group Layout

Crossing Canada by HO Streamliner
I was attracted by this photo in a UK national newspaper of apparent flooding on the CP main line in British Columbia.
The full story is here:

Presentation - Model Railroading for the 21st Century
OK folks, this past weekend at a local technical conference I proposed a session I called "Model Railroading for the 21st Century". The proposal received an overwhelmingly (and surprising to me) positive response. So, I delivered it and the folks attending really seemed to enjoy it. What's more, I know for a fact that at least one person who had no prior model railroading experience went to the local train show the next day and bought over $80 in trains to get started!

In Memoriam: Bob Karig 1946-2012
Bob Karig 1946-2012
Lt. Col. Martin Robert Karig, III (U.S. Army, retired), died suddenly on November 2, 2012, while attending a military alumni reunion in San Antonio, Texas. After retiring, Bob moved to Lancaster, Penn., where he volunteered as a researcher and docent at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg. He also volunteered for the Ontario & Western Railways in Middletown, NY, Landis Valley Museum in Lancaster and Habitat for Humanity.
Lansing Model Railroad Clubs
MR's Great American Layouts DVD series
Yesterday I received a DVD from MR. It appears to be a rehash of Allen Keller's videos. However, it is marked as 2011 material. The price to keep it is $12.95. There are two layout per DVD. This one had Dick Elwell's Hoosiac Valley and Gil Freitag's Stony Creek & Western.
Anybody receiving this this? The videos seem to be old. I will be returning it.
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